Written By: Damion Anglin Photographer: Jordache Jones
Have you ever wondered what it would be like growing up with a twin? There are so many stereotypes surrounding twins and the experiences they share. Are all twin experiences the same or are they unique to that particular set of twins? Well Buzzz Magazine sat down with twins Racquel Watson and Rochelle Rowe to find out what their twin experience was like.
For these ladies, the experience was annoying. Not for the reasons you may think however, their annoyance came from the constant staring and stereotypical questions they would be asked by people who would recognize that they were twins. The most common question they recall being asked was “Do you feel what your twin feels?” The answer to which they share is no.
Most twins spend their entire lives together, doing the same things and going to the same places. For Racquel and Rochelle, this was a similar experience. They both attended the same school right up until university. They shared that after kindergarten they were put in different classes, because when they were together, they refused to socialize with anyone else. They did however, find their way back in the same exact classes when they went to University, having chosen the same major and minor programmes.
“They have had their fair share of disagreements and fights, but despite it all they have never wished they
weren’t twins.”
The ladies do admit that as twins they believe their bond is greater than that of regular siblings. For them, it was like having an automatic best friend. Despite not always having the same classes, the ladies did spend a lot of time together and also maintained some of the same friends. There were moments of confusion however, for their friends and persons who may have known only one of the ladies, especially when they run into the other sibling thinking it’s the person they knew; to the point where their friends started referring to them by one name so as not to be confused. They shared that their mother however, was always able to tell them apart.
Even though sometimes it may take her a little longer if they are having a telephone conversation. They also recalled a moment their young baby got confused, as he realized that two persons had his mother’s face.
One of the many benefits that they have enjoyed about being twins, is that they share everything together especially clothes. While they may not wear the same things at the same time, they often share clothes between each other. They have also enjoyed achieving significant milestones together; from academic pursuits to becoming mothers only a year apart. They know each other better than anyone else and maintain a comfort like no other. Even in adulthood their families have become intertwined. They live close to each other, spend a lot of time at the others person’s house or communicating if not physically in the same space. Even their children have become close and ladies share that they make decisions considering how it may affect both their families.
However, it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows between them. They have had their fair share of disagreements and fights, but despite it all they have never wished they weren’t twins. Despite being twins however, both ladies do have their own identity; with different tastes in music and style and believe that twins ought to be separated as they are their own persons. Luckily for them, dating was not that much of an issue because they desired different things in their partners. As they have gotten older however, it does become easier to differentiate them as their features may sometimes change. One thing they have noticed however, is that they have been able to unlock each other’s IPhone using the biometric face identification software.
Their love for each other and their twin life is unquestioned; however, for them it is not something they wish to experience with having kids; primarily because of the financial burden that comes with having to pay for everything twice.

While both ladies share similar interests in the creative industry, they have ventured into different forms of marketing and business. Rochelle is the current Branding Specialist for Grab N Go, while Racquel is the Business Development Manager for Jamaica Broilers in the Best Dressed Chicken Division. Their twindom has caused a few awkward encounters with their clients and colleagues. Colleagues have mistaken one for the other and clients are unaware of the fact that they have approached the wrong twin in public.
Despite it all, having a twin has proven to be a great blessing for the ladies. While this has been their experience, the question remains for all you other twins out there; what has your experience been like?
To read more. Grab our volume 10 #5 issue in stores now
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Written By: Damion Anglin Photographer: Jordache Jones
Have you ever wondered what it would be like growing up with a twin? There are so many stereotypes surrounding twins and the experiences they share. Are all twin experiences the same or are they unique to that particular set of twins? Well Buzzz Magazine sat down with twins Racquel Watson and Rochelle Rowe to find out what their twin experience was like.
For these ladies, the experience was annoying. Not for the reasons you may think however, their annoyance came from the constant staring and stereotypical questions they would be asked by people who would recognize that they were twins. The most common question they recall being asked was “Do you feel what your twin feels?” The answer to which they share is no.
Most twins spend their entire lives together, doing the same things and going to the same places. For Racquel and Rochelle, this was a similar experience. They both attended the same school right up until university. They shared that after kindergarten they were put in different classes, because when they were together, they refused to socialize with anyone else. They did however, find their way back in the same exact classes when they went to University, having chosen the same major and minor programmes.
“They have had their fair share of disagreements and fights, but despite it all they have never wished they
weren’t twins.”
The ladies do admit that as twins they believe their bond is greater than that of regular siblings. For them, it was like having an automatic best friend. Despite not always having the same classes, the ladies did spend a lot of time together and also maintained some of the same friends. There were moments of confusion however, for their friends and persons who may have known only one of the ladies, especially when they run into the other sibling thinking it’s the person they knew; to the point where their friends started referring to them by one name so as not to be confused. They shared that their mother however, was always able to tell them apart.
Even though sometimes it may take her a little longer if they are having a telephone conversation. They also recalled a moment their young baby got confused, as he realized that two persons had his mother’s face.
One of the many benefits that they have enjoyed about being twins, is that they share everything together especially clothes. While they may not wear the same things at the same time, they often share clothes between each other. They have also enjoyed achieving significant milestones together; from academic pursuits to becoming mothers only a year apart. They know each other better than anyone else and maintain a comfort like no other. Even in adulthood their families have become intertwined. They live close to each other, spend a lot of time at the others person’s house or communicating if not physically in the same space. Even their children have become close and ladies share that they make decisions considering how it may affect both their families.
However, it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows between them. They have had their fair share of disagreements and fights, but despite it all they have never wished they weren’t twins. Despite being twins however, both ladies do have their own identity; with different tastes in music and style and believe that twins ought to be separated as they are their own persons. Luckily for them, dating was not that much of an issue because they desired different things in their partners. As they have gotten older however, it does become easier to differentiate them as their features may sometimes change. One thing they have noticed however, is that they have been able to unlock each other’s IPhone using the biometric face identification software.
Their love for each other and their twin life is unquestioned; however, for them it is not something they wish to experience with having kids; primarily because of the financial burden that comes with having to pay for everything twice.
While both ladies share similar interests in the creative industry, they have ventured into different forms of marketing and business. Rochelle is the current Branding Specialist for Grab N Go, while Racquel is the Business Development Manager for Jamaica Broilers in the Best Dressed Chicken Division. Their twindom has caused a few awkward encounters with their clients and colleagues. Colleagues have mistaken one for the other and clients are unaware of the fact that they have approached the wrong twin in public.
Despite it all, having a twin has proven to be a great blessing for the ladies. While this has been their experience, the question remains for all you other twins out there; what has your experience been like?
To read more. Grab our volume 10 #5 issue in stores now
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