All eyes followed him as he arrived on the deck of the trendy Cru Bar and Kitchen. It was Romain Virgo! Outside of being the cliché of tall, dark and handsome, he seemed clueless that he had commanded the attention of all who were present. Comfortably dressed in a white t-shirt, joggers and high tops, he flashed a warm smile as he approached. There’s something about him, a combination of an amicable and beyond down to earth persona coupled with a welcoming spirit that automatically makes you feel a sense of familiarity.
Needless to say, we easily journeyed into the life of Romain: his childhood, rising stars victory, his growing career and plans for the future.
To us, he’s the star we followed intensely week after week on the popular television talent show, Rising Stars. He is Romain Virgo; the Heartbeat singer, the Soul Provider, Love Doctor and the sensation behind LoveSick. To his family, friends and community, he’s more commonly known as ‘Randy’, ‘Singa Blinga’ or just ‘Blinga’.
Born in the parish of St. Ann, Romain’s soulful melodies of lovers’ rock or roots reggae which “touch your heartstrings”, emerged for the first time in the hills of a small community called Stepney. They say you don’t know where you’re going unless you know where you came from; from our seat, Romain’s vivid and passionate recollection of his childhood home took us back where it all began.
“Where I’m from, we never had running water so we would have to go to the parish council to catch water.”
Raised as a middle child in a Christian household with his mother, brother and sister, Romain recalled that respect was a huge factor, even his older brother could discipline him. Strong values were instilled in him as a child in such a small community where it seemed like everybody knew each other.
“Older members of the community could see me and tell me to go home, even though they were not family.”
Added to that, church was a must!
“I couldn’t play ball on a Sunday if I never went to church. I couldn’t think about missing church, and if for whatever reason I did, I would have to be doing some kind of chore in the house; you couldn’t just be walking around doing nothing.”
Nevertheless, Romain admits he was no saint. “Mi get in a whole heap a trouble as a yute still.”
While most of us can recall sneaking food out of the pot at some point as a child, Romain’s story took a bit of a twist.
“I pushed finger in the milk can, but it couldn’t come out, and I was afraid of getting caught with my finger in the milk can so I pulled it out. It didn’t stop bleeding until somebody noticed, so I got a beating on top of that.”
As Romain spoke proudly of his beginnings, the source of his humble personality became more evident; the beatings no doubt served their purpose too. His candid exposé came without even a second thought. As they say, stars are not born, they are made; and so this became the making of Romain Virgo, as we know him.
Flashback to 2007 when 17-year-old Romain graced the Rising Stars stage week by week, belting his heart out on our TV screens to tunes like Marvin Gaye’s ‘Let’s get it on’. Females across Jamaica voted relentlessly as the mini heartthrob left viewers island-wide wondering, “A weh him get deh voice deh?” But really, where did Romain get this talent?
He shared that talent and music were no stranger to his household and family in general.
“I come from a musical family. My mother sings in church and at events in the community; my father as well, as his side of the family are talented people- even those who don’t sing play instruments.”
Certainly with a voice that seemed bigger than his 2007 frame, we could imagine that his talent wouldn’t go unnoticed. Romain beamed with enthusiasm and pride as he spoke about how encouraging his family and his community were of his singing:
“My mother was always proud of me singing in church, and the people in my community were very encouraging; whenever they heard me singing when they passed, they would say Romain is you that? I thought it was Percy Sledge upstairs; that helped to build my confidence.”
It was clear that Romain was destined for greatness, but little did he know that his performance in the church at the age of nine would only be the beginning of many memorable performances.
“I knew I could sing, but my first time singing Sanchez’s version of Amazing Grace in church is a moment I will never forget.”
For a moment, it seemed the very mention of that memory took him back in time, lost in thought, and then he came back with a smile. He recalled the reaction of the congregation during his performance encouraged him to delve more into his talent and built his vocal esteem.
Romain soon shared with his mother, the desire to attend Edna Manley College. She was supportive of his plans; however, expressed concerns about her ability to finance his goal. But he had a plan, “Mi a win Rising Stars man,” he assured her. That being said, a star was born. Romain’s pursuit of Rising Stars victory was no mere dream but became a reality, and testimony for youth in every community- believe in yourself!
“Anything you really, truly and deeply want for yourself will not be handed to you. People can help, but you have to believe in yourself, be dedicated and give it enough of your time.”
Fast forward a decade, and we had to find out what has changed for him since winning Rising Stars.
“Everything! From having a dream and looking for a breakthrough to touring, making albums, travelling to places and sharing music with people that I never even dreamed of.”
Two albums later, a third album to be released shortly and a trail of memorable performances in tow, Romain surprised us with a confession…
To continue reading, purchase Vol.8 #10, 2017 Issue.
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Needless to say, we easily journeyed into the life of Romain: his childhood, rising stars victory, his growing career and plans for the future.
To us, he’s the star we followed intensely week after week on the popular television talent show, Rising Stars. He is Romain Virgo; the Heartbeat singer, the Soul Provider, Love Doctor and the sensation behind LoveSick. To his family, friends and community, he’s more commonly known as ‘Randy’, ‘Singa Blinga’ or just ‘Blinga’.
Born in the parish of St. Ann, Romain’s soulful melodies of lovers’ rock or roots reggae which “touch your heartstrings”, emerged for the first time in the hills of a small community called Stepney. They say you don’t know where you’re going unless you know where you came from; from our seat, Romain’s vivid and passionate recollection of his childhood home took us back where it all began.
“Where I’m from, we never had running water so we would have to go to the parish council to catch water.”
Raised as a middle child in a Christian household with his mother, brother and sister, Romain recalled that respect was a huge factor, even his older brother could discipline him. Strong values were instilled in him as a child in such a small community where it seemed like everybody knew each other.
“Older members of the community could see me and tell me to go home, even though they were not family.”
Added to that, church was a must!
“I couldn’t play ball on a Sunday if I never went to church. I couldn’t think about missing church, and if for whatever reason I did, I would have to be doing some kind of chore in the house; you couldn’t just be walking around doing nothing.”
While most of us can recall sneaking food out of the pot at some point as a child, Romain’s story took a bit of a twist.
“I pushed finger in the milk can, but it couldn’t come out, and I was afraid of getting caught with my finger in the milk can so I pulled it out. It didn’t stop bleeding until somebody noticed, so I got a beating on top of that.”
As Romain spoke proudly of his beginnings, the source of his humble personality became more evident; the beatings no doubt served their purpose too. His candid exposé came without even a second thought. As they say, stars are not born, they are made; and so this became the making of Romain Virgo, as we know him.
Flashback to 2007 when 17-year-old Romain graced the Rising Stars stage week by week, belting his heart out on our TV screens to tunes like Marvin Gaye’s ‘Let’s get it on’. Females across Jamaica voted relentlessly as the mini heartthrob left viewers island-wide wondering, “A weh him get deh voice deh?” But really, where did Romain get this talent?
He shared that talent and music were no stranger to his household and family in general.
“I come from a musical family. My mother sings in church and at events in the community; my father as well, as his side of the family are talented people- even those who don’t sing play instruments.”
Certainly with a voice that seemed bigger than his 2007 frame, we could imagine that his talent wouldn’t go unnoticed. Romain beamed with enthusiasm and pride as he spoke about how encouraging his family and his community were of his singing:
“My mother was always proud of me singing in church, and the people in my community were very encouraging; whenever they heard me singing when they passed, they would say Romain is you that? I thought it was Percy Sledge upstairs; that helped to build my confidence.”
It was clear that Romain was destined for greatness, but little did he know that his performance in the church at the age of nine would only be the beginning of many memorable performances.
“I knew I could sing, but my first time singing Sanchez’s version of Amazing Grace in church is a moment I will never forget.”
For a moment, it seemed the very mention of that memory took him back in time, lost in thought, and then he came back with a smile. He recalled the reaction of the congregation during his performance encouraged him to delve more into his talent and built his vocal esteem.
Romain soon shared with his mother, the desire to attend Edna Manley College. She was supportive of his plans; however, expressed concerns about her ability to finance his goal. But he had a plan, “Mi a win Rising Stars man,” he assured her. That being said, a star was born. Romain’s pursuit of Rising Stars victory was no mere dream but became a reality, and testimony for youth in every community- believe in yourself!
“Anything you really, truly and deeply want for yourself will not be handed to you. People can help, but you have to believe in yourself, be dedicated and give it enough of your time.”
Fast forward a decade, and we had to find out what has changed for him since winning Rising Stars.
“Everything! From having a dream and looking for a breakthrough to touring, making albums, travelling to places and sharing music with people that I never even dreamed of.”
Two albums later, a third album to be released shortly and a trail of memorable performances in tow, Romain surprised us with a confession…
To continue reading, purchase Vol.8 #10, 2017 Issue.
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