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Let’s Dance Now: Voicemail


Album: Let’s Dance Now
21st Hapilos Productions
Artiste: Voicemail
Genre: Dancehall

Voicemail is at it again with a fresh production, Let’s Dance Now. The dynamic duo takes us back to 2008, when the preceding album Jump Off was launched. However, comparing earlier singles “Weddy Time”, “Wacky Dip” and “Bembe” that remain popular body-movers, the dance medleys on the current album are too identical. The 13-track compilation takes the typical direction to dancing, simultaneously forming the impression of a tribute to Gerald ‘Bogle’ Levy, including an unforgettable recording of Bogle declaring, “Where di dancing ting is concerned, dancing tek a level right now weh widout dancing the chune nah guh nuh weh.”

The tracks “Dance Now”, “Dance”, “Wine” and “Clap it up” have straight forward lyrics that correspond fittingly to the titles. Track 9, “Do You Remember” featuring Chevaughn speaks of the contribution of Mr. Wacky (one of Bogle’s aliases) to Dancehall maintaining that the genre of music is nothing without the art of dance. Let’s Dance Now would not have been complete without the duo’s single “Moggela”, featuring Flippa Moggela (Flippa Mafia) – to ensure we do not forget the choreography linked to the song. The dancing emphasis of the album is optimally maintained from start to finish and this should maintain its popularity during the summer party season.

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