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Dancehall Don III – Book Review

Dancehall Don III - Book Review

K. Sean Harris is the Caribbean’s most prolific and exciting author of contemporary adult fiction. He has written over forty books—anthologies and novels—encompassing thrillers, drama, suspense, romance (including dark and paranormal), erotica and horror.

When he’s not writing books that are difficult to put down and fulfilling his duties as the creative and editorial director at a leading Jamaican publishing house, he enjoys consuming art, watching his favorite sports, working out and spending time with his family.

For more on the talented wordsmith, visit www.

Dancehall Don III - Book Review

It is a new year and what better way to kick off the literary festivities than by cozying up with the hottest new novel courtesy of Jamaica’s most prolific fictional author, K. Sean Harris, who is back to keeping us sane and satiated throughout this pandemic with ‘Dancehall Don III’ and it is just as juicy as the first two instalments.

The saga of 6lock continues in this trilogy of sex, plot twists and lots and lots of suspense. The story picks up where it left off as the young prince of dancehall makes strategic moves to dethrone Lyric Minister as the long reigning king while also eliminating his other arch rival Israelite Shotta.

His plan worked and both men get buried lyrically but felt compelled to retaliate and when they could not out-manoeuvre him on the musical front, they took the battle to the streets and shed blood.

Yet, despite all their efforts, 6lock’s notoriety, fame and reputation shone brighter and he continued to not only live his best life, but enrich those around him. He also managed to pull off a surprise wedding to Yendy while being a father to their little bambino who flourished under the watchful and doting eyes of his parents.
6lock however, always have to be mindful of those around him. Old friends with hidden agendas; dead friends who reach out from the grave to elicit promises plus old enemies who try to re-invent themselves to appear non-threatening. They all want a piece of the new king. In ‘Dancehall Don III’, some relationships that were once strong and thriving, end. Some taper off while others are brutally cut short. The old pass away, while new beings are brought into the world. Lifelong friends become strangers and family members are just as dangerous at times as a well paid assassin. You just never know what you will find every time you turn the page to learn about a character’s journey.
If you enjoy stories within a story and love how entangled lives can be, immerse yourself in
‘Dancehall Don III’. Part of the sheer beauty of a K. Sean book is that even the most vicious villain is not all bad and the many good characters that are portrayed as protagonists, usually have a dark side if taken to their limit or if their buttons are pushed, which is really all part of the human condition. No one is without a past or sin and at the other end of the spectrum no one is totally without redemption. This is why Harris’s books are so appealing as readers can relate to his characters because even the most vile and vicious characters can still tug at your heart strings.

To read more, please purchase a copy of Buzzz Caribbean Lifestyle Magazine Vol 11 #3 at any supermarket, pharmacy or book store near you.

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