Carnival in Jamaica is an experience that attracts visitors from all walks of life. Though it arrived in Jamaica late, it has grown tremendously and is now one of the most anticipated events annually. Consisting of numerous fetes leading up to the big Road March Day, Jamaica Carnival differentiates from Trinidad Carnival as it takes place at the end of lent, usually the weekend after the Easter break. In many instances, Carnival is very cultural, however, in Jamaica, Carnival is all about parties and freely expressing one’s self. Coming fresh off Covid-19, the Jamaica Carnival’s calendar is booked solid with events leading up to April 16, 2023. We sat down with Khadije Swaby, Marketing Support Officer at the FirstRock Group, and avid reveller, to get an insight on her road to Carnival.

Carnival is an experience that is essential to adequately prepare for. It is imperative to maintain both physical and mental health, to ensure that you have the best experience possible. Whether you’re a seasoned reveller, or you’re new to the game, it is recommended that you establish a workout routine to increase your stamina on the road. In addition to this, maintaining a healthy diet will ensure that you look “snatched” in your costume, come Road March.
“My carnival prep includes kick starting a comprehensive workout routine and diet 3-4 months before Jump Up day. I am a foodie at heart, so it’s certainly not easy, but being fit not only helps me to look my best on Carnival day, it also helps with endurance! Additionally, I do a cleanse to help with any bloating I may have”, an excited Swaby said.
We all have to agree that seeing the costumes parading through the streets of Kingston on Road March day, is a very beautiful sight. However, choosing the perfect costume can be a tough decision, taking into consideration all the factors that come into play. Not only do you have to choose the right costume, your accessories must properly highlight the outfit you have chosen.