It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas with lights, trimmings, decorations, Santa hats, trees, carols, shopping and of course ham, cake and sorrel to complete the yuletide festivities. With tonnes of parties, dinners and family gatherings to attend, our schedule during the season is usually full but for a few dedicated souls, the reason behind the season has not been forgotten. When we remove the commercialized part of it, Christmas is supposed to be about giving and for some individuals, that remains what it truly is about.
For those benevolent beings who get more out of bringing smiles to peoples’ faces, donating their time, money and resources, the Christmas season is simply a time to kick things into overdrive as there is more cheer and ‘ho ho hos’ to pass around. BUZZZ Magazine sought to examine a variety of ways you can do like what a young Michael Jackson said and give love this Christmas in a manner that is truly meaningful.
If you are thinking of spreading some joy and peace around, why not visit the maternity wards at Victoria Jubilee and University Hospital of the West Indies on Christmas Day and donate gift baskets to all the mothers who give birth on December 25th? Not only does it make for a great story to share in years to come, but those women will feel extra special being showered with all the diapers, booties and bottles they know will come in handy.
For those who consider themselves a ‘whiz’ at sales and marketing, why not organize a yard sale with all the homeowners on your street and dedicate the proceeds to a good charity? We all have old electronics, equipment and clothes that we have either outgrown or just do not want anymore and instead of having them lying around and taking up dust and space, put out a long table and recycle them for collectors who can re-purpose them. The more participants the better as you can sell drinks and popcorn for those who want to browse for a long period of time. Have some Christmas music playing in the background to remind shoppers to buy until their purses or wallets are empty.
Another idea involves making an impact on the lives of the less fortunate. Go visit an infirmary in your parish because caring for the forgotten or indigent will definitely touch the hearts of these men and women who for the most part, have no one. You can get dressed up as an elf and deliver care packages of toothpaste, rag, soap and other toiletries along with nightgowns and pyjamas to those individuals who otherwise would be without the basics that many of us take for granted.
nother option is to find a school nearby your house or within your community; round up your friends and spend a Saturday beautifying the school grounds. Whether it be painting, doing a mural or planting a flower bed, your hard work will be appreciated and more importantly, you will be making a valuable investment in our nation’s future. Now how can you beat that feeling?
fi d Christmas season we ago keep it peaceful, keep the focus, dance to mi song dem and just live and share the love.
For those who consider themselves a ‘whiz’ at sales and marketing, why not organize a yard sale with all the homeowners on your street and dedicate the proceeds to a good charity? We all have old electronics, equipment and clothes that we have either outgrown or just do not want anymore and instead of having them lying around and taking up dust and space, put out a long table and recycle them for collectors who can re-purpose them. The more participants the better as you can sell drinks and popcorn for those who want to browse for a long period of time. Have some Christmas music playing in the background to remind shoppers to buy until their purses or wallets are empty.

Another idea involves making an impact on the lives of the less fortunate. Go visit an infirmary in your parish because caring for the forgotten or indigent will definitely touch the hearts of these men and women who for the most part, have no one. You can get dressed up as an elf and deliver care packages of toothpaste, rag, soap and other toiletries along with nightgowns and pyjamas to those individuals who otherwise would be without the basics that many of us take for granted.
Another option is to find a school nearby your house or within your community; round up your friends and spend a Saturday beautifying the school grounds. Whether it be painting, doing a mural or planting a flower bed, your hard work will be appreciated and more importantly, you will be making a valuable investment in our nation’s future. Now how can you beat that feeling?
A lot of corporate entities do the annual children Christmas treat and if we are being honest most of it is a nice tax write off. It is easy to be cynical when Corporate Jamaica comes a calling with ice cream and cake during December but fail to remember that they may be just as hungry in March, August or any other month of the year. Instead of whining about it, contribute in your own small way and spend the afternoon reading Christmas stories or singing Christmas carols to the little ones. Do a puppet show for them and listen to their laughter which is the best indicator that they are being entertained. Do not forget to bring a comb, hair oils, a brush and some pretty clips and ribbons, comb their hair and make them feel beautiful and loved.

And if you want to feel extra mushy because of the holiday, organise an ‘adopta-pet’ drive alongside JSPCA or nearby veterinary clinic wherein you pair a dog, puppy, cat or a kitten with an elderly person who may be lonely or who lives alone away from family. Studies have been proven that caring for animals lengthen their lifespan and bring much-needed joy to these individuals as it provides them with an added purpose since they have something to look forward to waking up, seeing and nurturing each day.
If you wear your ‘fit-bit’ like some people wear jewellery then your health is definitely your wealth. Why not twin this with a worthy cause and signed up for a 5K run where the registration fee and the rest of the funds raised go to a good charity that you are aware of and know their track record of putting the money to good use.
For parents whose ‘babies’ are now pre-teens and more into I-phones than Elmo and SpongeBob, pack up all those toys you were keeping for sentimental reasons and donate them to a home with special needs children or babies who have HIV. Any light you can shine on a situation that may otherwise seem dark or depressing will be appreciated.
If you are a ‘hostess with the mostest’ and party planning is your passion, think about hosting a holiday party and then invite friends and family to take along canned goods and make an evening of it decorating cardboard boxes and then come Christmas Eve, dress in your most festive sweater and deliver them to the Salvation Army or Missionaries of the Poor and just surprise people who are not used to having such a pleasant surprise come Christmas time.
One individual who gives year round and gives without seeking recognition is the artist we all know as Ding Dong. In recent time, he has had much musical success but that has not made him any less generous as he understands the philosophy of ‘to whom much is given much is expected’. BUZZZ Magazine recently caught up with the ‘ChaChaBwoy’ star who is super busy but never too busy to lend a hand if called upon.
Currently, he has several projects in the pipeline that he is enthused about.
“There’s a lot eh nuh, jus a lot. I recently dropped a song on the Time Machine Riddim produced by Justus for JA…It features Boom Boom, named ‘Vibes’, I also have a song wid Teejay name Braff‘produced’ by Romeich Entertainment and Slyda’ di Wizard. And yuh done know mi still ah promote ‘chachabwoy’. Plus I also have a soca song dropping soon with Soca King Machel Montano.

We did the song two years ago actually but we just now ready to release it. Machel will be promoting the song during his Machel Monday’s event in Trinidad and Tobago. The video was shot in Barbados and will be out in time for both Trinidad and Jamaica carnivals. ”
“I don’t like to talk about what I do too much but I do a treat in my community annually and this year I will be doing it after the Christmas celebrations.”
“Things and times change… Back in the day I would be happy when I get a bicycle or clothes but NOW…yuh tink mi can gi my son a bicycle – Him ah guh tell mi, ‘daddy ah nuh dat mi waa…’ He’s gonna want a PlayStation or some gadget. Suh wi affi work wid di time.”
Going into 2019, his New Year resolution is pretty much more of the same as it obviously works and works pretty well.
He believes giving back is not only important but should become a way of life for more people. “Fada God bless you so why not help another? I pray every day that God continues to bless mi so I can help others. It is something we all should do.”
The whole concept of Christmas he feels is now different from the days of his own youth, but there is still satisfaction in bringing a smile to a child’s face.
“Just continue to do what I am doing. Everyone doing well, the Ravers Clavers, Teejay, Shenseea… the entire Romeish team doing well. So I will be working as I believe in working and anything that comes with it is ah blessin. So fi de Christmas season we ago keep it peaceful, keep the focus, dance to mi song dem and just live and share the love.”
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For those benevolent beings who get more out of bringing smiles to peoples’ faces, donating their time, money and resources, the Christmas season is simply a time to kick things into overdrive as there is more cheer and ‘ho ho hos’ to pass around. BUZZZ Magazine sought to examine a variety of ways you can do like what a young Michael Jackson said and give love this Christmas in a manner that is truly meaningful.
If you are thinking of spreading some joy and peace around, why not visit the maternity wards at Victoria Jubilee and University Hospital of the West Indies on Christmas Day and donate gift baskets to all the mothers who give birth on December 25th? Not only does it make for a great story to share in years to come, but those women will feel extra special being showered with all the diapers, booties and bottles they know will come in handy.
For those who consider themselves a ‘whiz’ at sales and marketing, why not organize a yard sale with all the homeowners on your street and dedicate the proceeds to a good charity? We all have old electronics, equipment and clothes that we have either outgrown or just do not want anymore and instead of having them lying around and taking up dust and space, put out a long table and recycle them for collectors who can re-purpose them. The more participants the better as you can sell drinks and popcorn for those who want to browse for a long period of time. Have some Christmas music playing in the background to remind shoppers to buy until their purses or wallets are empty.
Another idea involves making an impact on the lives of the less fortunate. Go visit an infirmary in your parish because caring for the forgotten or indigent will definitely touch the hearts of these men and women who for the most part, have no one. You can get dressed up as an elf and deliver care packages of toothpaste, rag, soap and other toiletries along with nightgowns and pyjamas to those individuals who otherwise would be without the basics that many of us take for granted.
nother option is to find a school nearby your house or within your community; round up your friends and spend a Saturday beautifying the school grounds. Whether it be painting, doing a mural or planting a flower bed, your hard work will be appreciated and more importantly, you will be making a valuable investment in our nation’s future. Now how can you beat that feeling?
For those who consider themselves a ‘whiz’ at sales and marketing, why not organize a yard sale with all the homeowners on your street and dedicate the proceeds to a good charity? We all have old electronics, equipment and clothes that we have either outgrown or just do not want anymore and instead of having them lying around and taking up dust and space, put out a long table and recycle them for collectors who can re-purpose them. The more participants the better as you can sell drinks and popcorn for those who want to browse for a long period of time. Have some Christmas music playing in the background to remind shoppers to buy until their purses or wallets are empty.
Another idea involves making an impact on the lives of the less fortunate. Go visit an infirmary in your parish because caring for the forgotten or indigent will definitely touch the hearts of these men and women who for the most part, have no one. You can get dressed up as an elf and deliver care packages of toothpaste, rag, soap and other toiletries along with nightgowns and pyjamas to those individuals who otherwise would be without the basics that many of us take for granted.
Another option is to find a school nearby your house or within your community; round up your friends and spend a Saturday beautifying the school grounds. Whether it be painting, doing a mural or planting a flower bed, your hard work will be appreciated and more importantly, you will be making a valuable investment in our nation’s future. Now how can you beat that feeling?
A lot of corporate entities do the annual children Christmas treat and if we are being honest most of it is a nice tax write off. It is easy to be cynical when Corporate Jamaica comes a calling with ice cream and cake during December but fail to remember that they may be just as hungry in March, August or any other month of the year. Instead of whining about it, contribute in your own small way and spend the afternoon reading Christmas stories or singing Christmas carols to the little ones. Do a puppet show for them and listen to their laughter which is the best indicator that they are being entertained. Do not forget to bring a comb, hair oils, a brush and some pretty clips and ribbons, comb their hair and make them feel beautiful and loved.
And if you want to feel extra mushy because of the holiday, organise an ‘adopta-pet’ drive alongside JSPCA or nearby veterinary clinic wherein you pair a dog, puppy, cat or a kitten with an elderly person who may be lonely or who lives alone away from family. Studies have been proven that caring for animals lengthen their lifespan and bring much-needed joy to these individuals as it provides them with an added purpose since they have something to look forward to waking up, seeing and nurturing each day.
If you wear your ‘fit-bit’ like some people wear jewellery then your health is definitely your wealth. Why not twin this with a worthy cause and signed up for a 5K run where the registration fee and the rest of the funds raised go to a good charity that you are aware of and know their track record of putting the money to good use.
For parents whose ‘babies’ are now pre-teens and more into I-phones than Elmo and SpongeBob, pack up all those toys you were keeping for sentimental reasons and donate them to a home with special needs children or babies who have HIV. Any light you can shine on a situation that may otherwise seem dark or depressing will be appreciated.
If you are a ‘hostess with the mostest’ and party planning is your passion, think about hosting a holiday party and then invite friends and family to take along canned goods and make an evening of it decorating cardboard boxes and then come Christmas Eve, dress in your most festive sweater and deliver them to the Salvation Army or Missionaries of the Poor and just surprise people who are not used to having such a pleasant surprise come Christmas time.
One individual who gives year round and gives without seeking recognition is the artist we all know as Ding Dong. In recent time, he has had much musical success but that has not made him any less generous as he understands the philosophy of ‘to whom much is given much is expected’. BUZZZ Magazine recently caught up with the ‘ChaChaBwoy’ star who is super busy but never too busy to lend a hand if called upon.
Currently, he has several projects in the pipeline that he is enthused about.
“There’s a lot eh nuh, jus a lot. I recently dropped a song on the Time Machine Riddim produced by Justus for JA…It features Boom Boom, named ‘Vibes’, I also have a song wid Teejay name Braff‘produced’ by Romeich Entertainment and Slyda’ di Wizard. And yuh done know mi still ah promote ‘chachabwoy’. Plus I also have a soca song dropping soon with Soca King Machel Montano.
We did the song two years ago actually but we just now ready to release it. Machel will be promoting the song during his Machel Monday’s event in Trinidad and Tobago. The video was shot in Barbados and will be out in time for both Trinidad and Jamaica carnivals. ”
“I don’t like to talk about what I do too much but I do a treat in my community annually and this year I will be doing it after the Christmas celebrations.”
“Things and times change… Back in the day I would be happy when I get a bicycle or clothes but NOW…yuh tink mi can gi my son a bicycle – Him ah guh tell mi, ‘daddy ah nuh dat mi waa…’ He’s gonna want a PlayStation or some gadget. Suh wi affi work wid di time.”
Going into 2019, his New Year resolution is pretty much more of the same as it obviously works and works pretty well.
He believes giving back is not only important but should become a way of life for more people. “Fada God bless you so why not help another? I pray every day that God continues to bless mi so I can help others. It is something we all should do.”
The whole concept of Christmas he feels is now different from the days of his own youth, but there is still satisfaction in bringing a smile to a child’s face.
“Just continue to do what I am doing. Everyone doing well, the Ravers Clavers, Teejay, Shenseea… the entire Romeish team doing well. So I will be working as I believe in working and anything that comes with it is ah blessin. So fi de Christmas season we ago keep it peaceful, keep the focus, dance to mi song dem and just live and share the love.”
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