Food Lifestyle

4 Easy Steps to Making A Healthy Salad


1. Go Green:

Green leafy vegetables such as Iceberg and Romaine lettuce, spinach, kale, celery, cruciferous vegetables including broccoli and Chinese cabbage carry less than 5 calories per serving, about half cup of each. Let these be the base of the salad rather than the new idea to use pasta types.

2. Add a touch of colour:

Green salads are boring. Leafy greens are much better when served with high-water, flavourful vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, carrots, beets, purple cabbage, apples, watermelon, Bosc pear among others.

3. Make it filling:

If a plain vegetable and fruit salad never quite closes the gap, combining healthy dips, hummus (mashed chickpeas) or other mashed peas and beans and preferably whole wheat pasta can aid with that.

4. Top it off:

Creamy dressings add a lot of calories. Try a salad with almonds, cashews and pistachios or try lime juice, olive oil and vinaigrettes made with fruit puree, vinegar and light seasonings.