
Creating your comfortable space at home


Written By: Dr Karla Hylton

The unprecedented pandemic has forced many of us to be sequestered at home for extended periods. The isolation can be stressful and even boring and perhaps you are like me and you get tired of looking at the same four walls over and over again.

Related: Lifestyle changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The good news is that this lockdown and isolation period can be your golden ticket to giving your home a makeover and it doesn’t have to cost a lot.

Here are some ideas that you can do yourself to create your comfortable space at home:

1) Paint an accent wall

Gather those paint brushes and rollers and paint a wall a bright, bold color. Your transformed wall is sure to put a smile on your face. You could even try a faux painting technique. There are plenty of ideas and DIY videos online.

creating your comfortable space at home
Painting accent walls is a great way to create your comfortable space at home

2) Reorganize your closet

With so much time on your hands, feel free to go overboard with organizing. You could color coordinate your closet or simply weed out those clothes and shoes you have not touched in a while. Pack a bag to be donated.

Comfortable space at home Creating your comfortable space at home
Reorganizing your closet helps clears your mind and creates a comfortable space at home

To read more, please purchase a copy of Buzzz Caribbean Lifestyle Magazine Vol 10 #6 in a store near you.

Related: At home with Dr Karla Hylton

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