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Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing Paint Colours

Paint on wall

Story by Dr. Karla Hylton

Nowadays, with the plethora of paint colors available, one may find the task of choosing a paint color daunting and overwhelming. Colour is a powerful tool that not only determines the mood and vibe, but can alter a space’s size and shape Paint colours can be bold or timid, bright or muted, playful or serene. The colours you select should set the scene for the mood you are trying to create. You may want to create drama, relaxation, rejuvenation, energy, coziness or intimacy. Therefore, color selection is not to be taken lightly and is a major decision.

So let’s look at some questions you should answer that will make your colour selection task less stressful and that much easier. What type of paint do I need? Is it oil paint or water paint and what type of finish do I want to see? These types of paints are generally selected based on the surface you are painting.

Generally, we choose oil-based paints for metal surfaces and water-based paints for interior or exterior walls. Some of the finishes to choose from include low sheen, flat, eggshell or satin finishes. Do your research.

What is the temperament or emotion I am trying to achieve in the room? For example, if it’s a bedroom, you may want to consider serene and muted tones. After all, the bedroom is for relaxation and peace. On the contrary, if it’s a family room, bright and vibrant colours might just be what is needed to set the tone for family togetherness and activity.

To read more, please purchase a copy of Buzzz Caribbean Lifestyle Magazine Vol 11 #2 at any supermarket, pharmacy or book store near you.

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