Every year we listen and sing along to the ratherboastful song of a lover’s generosity to his special person sending a number of exotic gifts for the first twelve days of Christmas. In recent years a humorous version was penned to bemoan the distresses, which can be caused by a mean-spirited and spiteful lover sending 12 gifts to disconcert and drive the recipient crazy.
This year, our Buzzz team decided to focus a segment of our end-of-year issue on wine, we reached out to a few wine distributors and asked them to give us the Buzz on a dozen special bottles of wine for the holiday season – 12 wines of Christmas.
Now, you need not limit your enjoyment of these wines from literally the first to the twelfth of December only. In fact, the wines featured are perfect for drinking at any time; from the day you read this article, throughout the season, for Christmas Eve celebrations, on the first day of the New Year and beyond.
The Sparkling Wines
Our 12 wines of Christmas include my favourite category– sparkling wines. At every level, from champagne at the top of the ‘bubbly’ hierarchy to any other sparkler, a sparkling wine brings more oomph, sophistication and liveliness to any gathering. Sparklers are perfect as aperitif wines or as accompaniment to meals. Too often sparkling wines are relegated to be used only for so-called ‘toasting’ at events; are put away until New Year’s Eve or brought out for marking special occasions. Let us keep in mind at all times that life is special. Every breath and every exchange is worthy of celebration and more than ever, we are reminded by bizarre happenings here at home and in so many countries throughout the world that the time spent with our loved ones are – moment by moment – not only special but irreplaceable.

The Red Blends
There is always something exciting happening in the wonderful world of wines. More recently, California red blends are the new go-to wines in the red wine category. Our 12 Wines of Christmas naturally zeroed in on this strong and growing category and we are delighted to introduce you to or remind you of the two most exciting red blends available in Jamaica. The overwhelming consumer favourites – Apothic Red
Winemaker’s Blend and Menage a Trois Midnight Dark Red Blend. These wines are the instant favourites for new or seasoned wine consumers. Serve or gift these blends and make an indelible great impression.
To continue reading, Purchase Vol. 8 Issue #3 2015.
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Every year we listen and sing along to the ratherboastful song of a lover’s generosity to his special person sending a number of exotic gifts for the first twelve days of Christmas. In recent years a humorous version was penned to bemoan the distresses, which can be caused by a mean-spirited and spiteful lover sending 12 gifts to disconcert and drive the recipient crazy.
This year, our Buzzz team decided to focus a segment of our end-of-year issue on wine, we reached out to a few wine distributors and asked them to give us the Buzz on a dozen special bottles of wine for the holiday season – 12 wines of Christmas.
Now, you need not limit your enjoyment of these wines from literally the first to the twelfth of December only. In fact, the wines featured are perfect for drinking at any time; from the day you read this article, throughout the season, for Christmas Eve celebrations, on the first day of the New Year and beyond.
The Sparkling Wines
Our 12 wines of Christmas include my favourite category– sparkling wines. At every level, from champagne at the top of the ‘bubbly’ hierarchy to any other sparkler, a sparkling wine brings more oomph, sophistication and liveliness to any gathering. Sparklers are perfect as aperitif wines or as accompaniment to meals. Too often sparkling wines are relegated to be used only for so-called ‘toasting’ at events; are put away until New Year’s Eve or brought out for marking special occasions. Let us keep in mind at all times that life is special. Every breath and every exchange is worthy of celebration and more than ever, we are reminded by bizarre happenings here at home and in so many countries throughout the world that the time spent with our loved ones are – moment by moment – not only special but irreplaceable.
The Red Blends
There is always something exciting happening in the wonderful world of wines. More recently, California red blends are the new go-to wines in the red wine category. Our 12 Wines of Christmas naturally zeroed in on this strong and growing category and we are delighted to introduce you to or remind you of the two most exciting red blends available in Jamaica. The overwhelming consumer favourites – Apothic Red
Winemaker’s Blend and Menage a Trois Midnight Dark Red Blend. These wines are the instant favourites for new or seasoned wine consumers. Serve or gift these blends and make an indelible great impression.
To continue reading, Purchase Vol. 8 Issue #3 2015.
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