
Horoscopes: Do they Reveal Truth About Personalities?


I can’t say that I have ever truly believed that my birth sign has a real effect on who I am, but I must admit, I have been curios. I often find myself flipping to the back of a magazine or a newspaper column to read what my month’s fortune has in store for me.

Maybe it’s the hope of some financial gain or the light at the end of the tunnel in my times of uncertainty inspired by the statement “sooner or later, what you need to do will become obvious”, that drive me to examine these predictions, but at the end, I find myself thinking about the vagueness of the descriptions and their applicability to just about anyone.

Despite my nonbelief, I have set out to explore whether there really is a hidden truth about our personality in horoscopes.

Let me first state that understanding personality and astrology is a complex matter that I will not try to explain here, but I will instead, share a brief history about astrology and its connection to personality.

Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world. Studies about astrological ‘science’ show its existence in cultures predating the Stone Age (4000 BCE), and reveal its presence in Mesopotamia during the Babylonian Empire, Greece, and in ancient Egypt. During these times, astrology was based on the study of celestial positioning to track time, seasons, and divination of celestial events and was later applied to prediction of natural disasters, war and other population-related incidents, in order to provide counsel to rulers, and in more recent times, to provide insight about personality and current trends to the general population.

To continue reading , purchase  Vol. 7 #10 2015 issue