People always say life changes after you have a child. While it is very obvious how a woman’s life can change – conception to birth to the actual duties of motherhood – the shift of adjustment that men make often goes unseen and unregonised, resulting with many fathers receiving very little credit for their parental role.
Saluting fathers and recognising their countless efforts and sacrifices, Buzzz Magazine highlights the story of Romaro Samuels of Facey Commodity, thriving as brand manager, while achieving the same in the role of father to his six-year old daughter, Allexia who says “I love my daddy, because he is good and he is kind.”
Describe the role of being a father?
Being a father is a priceless achievement however, my main goal is not just being a father, but a ‘dad extraordinaire’. Acknowledging that you are ‘the man’ and that you must be an uplifting role model, knowing that one day your daughter is going to reference you when selecting her own potential partner. Fatherhood is a task, but it is an awesome job I can’t say I regret!
What did you remember about the birth of your daughter?
I was not allowed in the theatre when my wife was giving birth because she was having a C-section. It was nerve-racking because our baby was originally meant to be born on my birthday (21st March) however, the doctor had informed us ahead of time that she would be delivered early because her head was not engaged. On that faithful Sunday morning, March 15th when I saw the nurse walking out with the baby, it felt miraculous. Then it occurred to me, what happened to my wife? Everything worked out OK.
The first night, while my wife was recovering from anesthetics, I had the opportunity to be the first to change our daughter’s diaper. She was very fragile and I didn’t want to break her. I had to be very careful and learned the true meaning of being gentle.

How does a man prepare for fatherhood?
First and foremost, every man wants to ensure that their child comes into the world with all their facets. Until your child is born, that’s all you think about. Then life takes a turn and you begin to wonder, how you will manage. When a man is preparing to have a child the most important thing they want to do is be able to provide a house and a home, not forgetting putting in place an educational fund and increasing the life insurance plan.
To continue reading , purchase Vol. 7 #10 2015 issue
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People always say life changes after you have a child. While it is very obvious how a woman’s life can change – conception to birth to the actual duties of motherhood – the shift of adjustment that men make often goes unseen and unregonised, resulting with many fathers receiving very little credit for their parental role.
Saluting fathers and recognising their countless efforts and sacrifices, Buzzz Magazine highlights the story of Romaro Samuels of Facey Commodity, thriving as brand manager, while achieving the same in the role of father to his six-year old daughter, Allexia who says “I love my daddy, because he is good and he is kind.”
Describe the role of being a father?
Being a father is a priceless achievement however, my main goal is not just being a father, but a ‘dad extraordinaire’. Acknowledging that you are ‘the man’ and that you must be an uplifting role model, knowing that one day your daughter is going to reference you when selecting her own potential partner. Fatherhood is a task, but it is an awesome job I can’t say I regret!
What did you remember about the birth of your daughter?
I was not allowed in the theatre when my wife was giving birth because she was having a C-section. It was nerve-racking because our baby was originally meant to be born on my birthday (21st March) however, the doctor had informed us ahead of time that she would be delivered early because her head was not engaged. On that faithful Sunday morning, March 15th when I saw the nurse walking out with the baby, it felt miraculous. Then it occurred to me, what happened to my wife? Everything worked out OK.
The first night, while my wife was recovering from anesthetics, I had the opportunity to be the first to change our daughter’s diaper. She was very fragile and I didn’t want to break her. I had to be very careful and learned the true meaning of being gentle.
How does a man prepare for fatherhood?
First and foremost, every man wants to ensure that their child comes into the world with all their facets. Until your child is born, that’s all you think about. Then life takes a turn and you begin to wonder, how you will manage. When a man is preparing to have a child the most important thing they want to do is be able to provide a house and a home, not forgetting putting in place an educational fund and increasing the life insurance plan.
To continue reading , purchase Vol. 7 #10 2015 issue
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