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What’s new about 2022?

What's new about 2022?

Every year when the clock strikes 12 midnight we scream Happy New Year! And jump about with our friends and family. We make new year’s resolutions that we never seem to keep, so what makes this year any different? The last year has proven to be a year of many sorrows, so let’s make this one a bit more joyful. Instead of a bucket list of things we want to do, how about a list of dirty habits we want to rid ourselves of and start afresh.


Budgeting, it’s something we always try to do but most importantly stick with it. No matter how much we budget we always seem to overspend. With the increasing cost of living, we should try to save more and only spend on what we need and not what we want. So let’s cut out the frivolous spending and save for the future.

your friend invites you out for an evening of fun. You gladly accept the invitation, knowing you have no intention of going. If you are no longer interested in those things, be upfront and honest with your friends. It’s very hurtful when you commit to something and then back out at the last minute. Respect other people’s time and effort that they put into you.

Cut the junk

Every year we make a promise to ourselves that we are going to eat healthy, exercise and change our lifestyle but we never do. We are not getting any younger and neither is our body, so why wait until it’s too late to take care of it. Start now, your health is important and without good health you won’t be able to enjoy life. So stop waiting and start doing, get that diet in shape and start living right.

Putting others before you: you are the most important person in your life. You may like to make others feel good about themselves at your own expense. It’s high time you make yourself feel good about yourself. Stop neglecting your happiness for the sake of others. If someone around you is making your life toxic, I say cut them loose and do you. For the sake of your mental health and wellbeing you have to put yourself first in everything. And if others ain’t going to treat you right, then they don’t need to be a part of the greatness that you are. Remember you are beautifully, fearfully and wonderfully made.

Let’s make this year a good one and remove all toxic energy from around us. Give yourself the perfect room for growth and good health. The year is unpredictable but there are some things in our life that we can control.

To read more, please purchase a copy of Buzzz Caribbean Lifestyle Magazine Vol 11 #3 at any supermarket, pharmacy or book store near you.

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