
7 Body and Mind Boosting Benefits of Hobbies

7 Body and Mind Boosting Benefits of Hobbies


Doesn’t life in the 21 st century seem to be more synonymous with a blood pressure of 140/90? The spinoff from this is a continuous quest for easy ways to destress and avoid the sometimes seemingly ever-present depression. The answer can be in fun, small habitual activities; in other words hobbies. Proven by medical science to be well-being and health boosters, they can take the doldrums and monotony out of life. Whether breathtaking, crisp air mountain hiking or collecting colorful artistic, or not so artistic, elephant figurines, here are 7 reasons to stop for your ‘ahhhh’ moment.

Improved Self-Esteem

Lowself-esteem can be a downer; maybe keeping you from taking that crucial next step that could change your life. Hobbies that involve achievable goals, like learning to play a musical instrument, knitting, singing lessons, writing, or ballroom dancing give a sense of accomplishment that improves your sense of self-worth.

2  Depression Fighter 7 Body and Mind Boosting Benefits of Hobbies

Activities like sculpting, cooking, painting, and also gardening could keep you engaged, happy and with an elevated mood minus Zoloft.

3  Better Sleep Quality

The benefits of sleep are numerous, yet good quality sleep escapes so many. Physical activity like running, walking, bike riding and golf are proven to ease mental anxiety and encourage deep zzzzz’s.

7 Body and Mind Boosting Benefits of Hobbies Improvement in Fitness and Flexibility

Want to lower your blood pressure, manage your weight, improve your cardiovascular health and maybe finally be able to touch your toes again? Then throw in some physical hobbies.How about Yoga, Tai Chi, swimming, or personal fitness activities?

5  Increase Social Contact

Hobbies like games played with cards, on a board or a court involve regular strong people interaction, which can help keep the negative effects of lack of social interaction, like isolation, decreased self-esteem and a shorter life span, at bay. This is especially important in today’s social media driven society that keeps individuals glued to an electronic device.Increased social contact is important for improving social skills, and for those looking to get married, may just be an important step toward meeting your life partner.

To Read More: Purchase your copy of Volume 9 #6  January-February 2018