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Dumbbells vs Kettle bells, which is better?

dumbbells Dumbbells vs Kettle bells, which is better?

Written by: Audra Smtih

You step into the gym to accomplish those new year goals to get fit, toned and looking good. You then see a rack full of dumbbells and a rack full of kettlebells. Which do you use? Don’t worry we got the answers for you with the help from Personal Trainer, Troy” Trojan Troy” Hudson, from Dunn’s High Performance Centre.’

Firstly, what is the difference between the two? Dumbbells provides evenly distributed weight on both sides of a textured one-handed bar while a kettlebell is as the name suggests it is a rounded weight with a handle at the top that resembles a kettle.

With the two shapes they pose pros and cons for your workout needs. With the kettlebell design you are pulled down by gravity in not only in a downward weight but also due to the round body you can be pulled in another direction depending on the angle that it is being held while dumbbells pull you in a straight line downward. Because of this design the Kettlebell requires more of a guided movement as it requires form/ technique to limit injuries and help to get the best results from the movements.

Kettlebells are best used for momentum movements that can engage many muscle groups at one time in a single exercise such as biceps, triceps, shoulders and even abs but requires focus/concentration to ensure the movements are done correctly. Dumbbells on the other hand; evens out the weight and does not require as much coordination. Dumbbells do not engage as many muscle groups but can be used for more targeted areas.

It is recommended to use both in your workout if both are available to you to provide more challenge to your workouts. Instructors tend to switch up the weights used, whether it is dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, or body weight to complete a circuit, as each type is meant to target different muscle groups. This is to ensure that the mind and the muscles never gets used to a movement. By constantly challenging the body one keeps the body and the mind guessing as to what is coming next.

To read more, please purchase a copy of Buzzz Caribbean Lifestyle Magazine Vol 10 #10 in a store near you.

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