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Man Paralysed from the Chest Down Walks Again after Cell Transplant


Darek Fidyka, is able to walk again after a knife attack in 2010, due to the transplant of cells from the olfactory bulbs from his brain to his spinal cord. The successful surgery was performed by Polish doctors in collaboration the English scientists.

Cells were taken from the olfactory bulbs because nerve fibres there constantly regenerate. The surgeons injected the cells into his damaged spinal cord to stimulate the growth of damaged cells there.

Results form the surgery has been fruitful with Fidyka regaining movement and sense in his feet and is steadily making progress towards walking again with his damaged cells being repaired from the surgery and his muscles being strengthened with physiotherapy.

10 other people will be pooled together to ina controlled clinical trial to see if the results can be repeated in the reversal of paralysis.

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