Health Lifestyle

Potential Ebola Outbreak on US Aeroplane


The second person and nurse to contract the Ebola virus on US soil may have potentially infected an aeroplane she boarded before she was diagnosed with the Ebola virus.

The second nurse has yet to be identified, but she was one of the nurses who treated the Ebola patient, Mr. Duncan, who died in Austin, Texas after his visit from Liberia. It is believed that the nurse contracted the virus because she wasn’t given the proper protective head gear when she treated an Ebola patient.

Officials are now seeking the other 132 passengers of the aeroplane who boarded an aeroplane with her to verify that they don’t have the virus.

It is believed that Ebola is not contagious until a patient begins to display symptoms of the disease, which she began to display the day after her trip. When she began to display symptoms she was put in quarantine within 90 minutes.