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The Home Office The Current State of Affairs


You need a home office: you have outgrown the dining table, the kitchen has been spoken for, and for the sake of your marriage, you can no longer conduct business activities in the bedroom as you have completely violated what the bedroom should be used for. And -it gets better – you live in a townhouse which means space is on a first come first served basis. Your business is not yet at the stage where rental of an office is an option. Your situation is quite a challenge.

But…because we are a people who make lemonade out of lemons we have learned to work with what we have – in this case, your lack of space. With vision and a creative use of space, this little obstacle can be easily overcome. By: The DeZign Diva, Karen Booker

Home Office Check List

Look at your home with fresh eyes. What’s essential is the type of business you operate and your needs. Create an image of your new home office with all the necessary elements: lighting, how your office will function, location, storage, phone and electric hook-ups. Also, reflect on the time of day that you are most creative. Some folks are more creative in the afternoon – as opposed to the morning hours – and there might be more traffic in your home when children return from school…so location, location, location – and you need to stay away from high traffic areas where you are most productive.


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