
Prosecution Appeals for Murder Conviction and Tougher Sentence for Pisotorius


Oscar Pistorius may have thought he had seen the last of the court room after being convicted for culpable homicide and receiving a five year prison sentence along with a three-year suspended sentence for firing a gun in a restaurant but the prosecution has moved ahead with an appeal against the prison sentence and conviction of Pistorius.

The prosecution is moving ahead with plans to get the track star convicted for murder instead of culpable homicide and they also want a longer prison sentence as well. Reeva Steenkamp’s family have yet to decide if they will throw their support behind the prosecution’s bid for hasher justice, even they feel that Oscar has withheld aspects as to why Reeva locked herself in the bathroom.

Reeva Steenkamp was killed by Oscar Pistorius, when he thought his now deceased girlfriend was a burglar who was attempting to enter his premises through the bathroom.