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Are you in a one-sided Relationship?

Are you in a one-sided Relationship? Are you in a one-sided Relationship?

We’ve all been there at some point in a relationship- convinced we’re giving way more of our self than we are actually receiving from our partner. Let’s face it, a relationship is an investment- financially, emotionally, physically – you name it! Although in reality returns are not constant, a lingering unsettled, needy and deprived feeling accompanied by the slightest sense of being taken advantage of or settling for way less than you deserve, indicates it’s time to seriously assess how beneficial, how sustainable and how healthy your current relationship is.

Relationships are about balance- cycles of give and take, the making of sacrifices, the whole ‘through thick and thin’ mantra. There is usually a reason for the season; but no season lasts forever. Don’t allow a temporary sway in the winds to turn out as a lifestyle, a new reality.

So how do you know? How can you be sure ‘bae’ isn’t simply going through a rough patch and there is light at the end of the tunnel? How do you know that in some twisted sense of humor cupid isn’t just writing a tale of true love while testing your faith and commitment?

On the flip side, how do you know you aren’t investing way too much in a relationship that isn’t going anywhere, or sacrificing so much for a partner that will never reciprocate? Love is a gamble, it’s true, but a reality check is needed to prevent a fall or to avoid encouraging habits detrimental to your relationship and more importantly, YOU.

Financially Straining

Being in a relationship that is financially one sided can be incredibly overwhelming (well, unless you can afford it). Circumstances may lead you to you extending an extra hand if your spouse is in a financial bind, out of a job, trying to go back to school- the possibilities are endless.
If that’s the case, helping your spouse to alleviate some financial obligation may be noble but watch out for hints of complacency, ungratefulness, unconscionable behaviour and brazen presumptuousness. Sit and have ‘the talk’ before the situation becomes a burden, to say the least.

Sexually Frustrating

Sex and intimacy are just as important in a relationship as communication is. Even if partners do not share the same sexual appetite, both parties should at least be willing to compromise. Have you ever been in a relationship where you feel sexually unsatisfied? As if your needs are being overlooked? Do you feel your partner is sexually selfish and completely uninterested in fulfilling your sexual desires?

To continue reading, purchase Vol.9 #1, 2017 Issue.

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