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Intellectual Compatibility

Intellectual Compatibility Intellectual Compatibility

Although “chemistry” stirs an attraction between two people, ultimately it is compatibility that keeps the fire going – although some may beg to differ. Sure, there is something to be said about being physically attractive but, unlike looks, intellect is lasting.

Before going any further, let’s clear the air regarding two terms that are often misconstrued: intelligence and intellect. At its simplest, intellect is knowing a lot of things, whereas intelligence is more about putting knowledge to use in an innovative, analytical and practical way. Therefore, intellectual compatibility is when both parties in a relationship are functioning on the same wave length.
While dating, it is important to explore your intellectual compatibility. Will you have shared pursuits? Will he or she help you to be the best YOU? Is there any point in jumping the gun if you are unable to answer such questions?

If you share base knowledge and interests, he or she will be able to inspire you and motivate you to achieve what you are called to do.

“If you share base knowledge and interests, he or she will be able to inspire you and motivate you…”

It is imperative that you go on a quest to find out whether or not you are on the same scale regarding life goals. Now, they can be shared, they can be similar, but should not be too far off and never different. This will cause resentment and bitterness to fester and consume the relationship. If he or she cannot see through your lens, it may cause a slow and painful death of the relationship or in some instances a rapid decline; quite possibly leaving you heartbroken.

If you find that you have to downplay your interests or resort to using oversimplified terms, that’s a red flag. There should be a mutual desire to pull out each other’s deeper sides. There should be very little small talk about the likes of the weather today, but more so about global warming, its implications and the small part you both can play to help combat it and encourage others to participate. If this desire to date each other’s mind is non-existent in a relationship, the latter may become like stagnant water –becoming a potentially hazardous area where nothing positive flows into your life.

“Being in a relationship with someone who is content with their secondary level qualifications while you are busy pursuing your doctorate, can be extremely draining”

Another major factor to consider is the other’s educational background. Being in a relationship with someone who is content with their secondary level qualifications while you are busy pursuing your doctorate, can be extremely draining- mentally, physically and emotionally.

To continue reading, purchase Vol.8 #8, 2016 Issue.

Read: Lies we tell ourselves about relationships

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