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Protecting Your Relationship From Social Media

Protecting Your Relationship From Social Media Protecting Your Relationship From Social Media

Since the advent of the internet, a whole new world of information and communication has been open to us. When people used to write a letter and wait for days, sometimes weeks before they get a response, an email is sent in seconds. Add the smart phone to that and now everything is instant – instant messaging, Instagram, instant gratification. But with all that technology has given us, it seems to have a more of a negative impact on relationships, especially when it comes to social media.

For many persons, it is a joy to share every details of their life with their friends and family on social media. From the day they met the perfect partner, to all the fun dates they go on, even the fights they have. Most of the relationship becomes a mini reality series on their social media pages for everyone to enjoy. The challenge with that is even though the intent is to share your joy with your friends and family, putting it on social media also might invite an unwanted audience. And they will chime in on your relationship whether negatively or positively. Some couples choose not to partake in social media exposure at all instead selecting to keep their relationship private. So how can social media really affect relationship?

Trust Issues
Social media activities can be a source of conflict for many couples. Constantly monitoring each other’s pages will only serve to distract from the real closeness that the couple can enjoy on an intimate level. Perhaps the best thing to do is to limit how much of your relationship you share on your social media page.
Unwanted Comments
Once you make a post, you have no control who responds or what they say. So if you choose to share, be prepared for the reactions. Strangers will have very negative things to say and they will not care how you feel about it, so when you post, be prepared for the comments.

Some couples need to have complete access to all their partner’s online accounts. This demand can be challenging because the demand sometimes come from a place of mistrust. If a couple wants to share this information, that’s fine. However f it is going to be used as an ultimatum, there will be undue stress on the relationship. An important note also is that if your partner intends to be unfaithful, having full access to all their social media pages will not stop that from happening.

Past Relationships (Record)
One condition of using the internet is that once something is posted, it’s there for good. So some … evidence of a past relationship may still be out there for your current partner to see. So it is always better to be truthful and upfront with your partner so they are not surprised with some random compromising photo from your past that will end up being a source f conflict in your relationship.

To continue reading, purchase Vol.8 #5, 2016 Issue.

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