The term “red flag” signifies a reason to stop. It is used to halt a game because of a foul, to wave on race car tracks when conditions are too dangerous to continue down the road, and the list goes on. The same notion is applied to dating. Red flags in a relationship are signs that the person most likely will not have a healthy relationship and that proceeding down the road together would be emotionally dangerous. As a woman, one silver lining of a terrible track record with dating is that we learn a lot of lessons along the way that makes us shy away from dating. We get this strong urge that before we get back out there the other person must be willing to address these issues to have a healthy relationship with us, themselves, and anyone else. While all scenarios are different and there’s always room for nuances, here are ten red
flags that make a woman reluctant to date:

He expects you to compromise and seldom if never returns the favour.
A partner that is really invested in a relationship will make sure that you feel like a priority, and they will be willing to change things in their life to make you a priority.
He makes plans with you and doesn’t follow through. He then either apologize causally and does it again or justifies how busy he is.
People always make time for the important things in their life. If you are important to them, they will be there. If not, they will always be ‘busy’ with other things.

He always asks you out last minute and usually at night.
A person’s intentions can be tough to gauge, but if it’s usually in this context where his sexual desires are stronger than his ‘need’ to actually spend time with you
If he claims to wanting a serious relationship but instead is engaged in casual ones.
In this case, chances are that he’s keeping his options open and that’s a sign he’s not serious about you and doesn’t want a commitment.