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Sex Myths: You Need to Stop Believing

Sex Myths: You Need to Stop Believing

They never go away – and with each generation old myths are massaged back to life, and new ones are born. Every culture has sex myths that lots of people believe in. Ironically, some of them are actually true, while others are simply…well, rubbish. So here we go with ten of the most common sex myths and why they are sometimes very true. Let’s start with a pretty popular one…

A Man Can Break His Penis. True
Penile fracture, or a break in the penis can actually take place when there is vigorous riding of the penis and this usually occurs in couples who are cheating. Why? Because people tend to be more adventurous when they cheat. So yes, cheating can break your penis. Ouch!

You Won’t Get Pregnant If You’re Standing Up. False
The only way to avoid pregnancy with a 90% or more accuracy is to use contraceptives. Standing up, washing with Pepsi after and sex in the sea, just won’t work. Sperms are like hungry tadpoles, they are swimming for their lives literally. Each one is eager to get to the egg and survive and the average man releases over 600-100 million sperm each time he comes. Sex without protection is like getting stung by a bee and hoping it won’t swell up. Condoms are your friends. Use them!

Women Want Men With Big Penises. False
Most women don’t want to be damaged or stretched and women actually believe that large penises will permanently stretch them. Medically, the vagina is 5/6 inches when a woman is fully aroused. That’s generally what feels comfortable. Though some women want more girth, there are plenty of fun sex toys to help with that.

You Can Get An STI Through Oral Sex. True
Unfortunately for those “diners” who like to shop around, where you put your mouth is as important as where you put your penis. Many people never check out the area throughly before going down. Do a full inspection, warts, cold sores, bumps, cuts of any kind are strictly off the menu.

Having Sex With A Virgin Will Cure A Man Of His Venereal Disease. False
This is a dangerous misconception. If a man with a venereal disease has sex with a virgin, he will only end up passing it on to her. Effective medicines are available for the treatment of venereal diseases. There is no need to try such baseless and harmful methods.


To Read More: Purchase your copy of Volume 9 #3– July-August 2017

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