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How to activate your Sexual Senses

sexual senses How to activate your Sexual Senses

Written By: Danielle Moffatt

The slow and steady walk towards the climactic culmination of sex is the most enjoyable part of the pleasurable deed. We watch a movie or read a book to find out the ending, but the most incredible thrill comes from the plot twists and turns that keep us glued to the screen or page. Sex, as often not too subtly hinted, is not a one-minute event. Sex is deliberate, should be approached slowly, and should be a sensual awakening.

What does this mean? Sensual awakening begins with an understanding of who you are (likes, dislikes, beliefs, motivations, wants, needs, etc.) and loving the truth that is you. It is about us relying first on ourselves to light and quench our sexual desires, realising that physical connection with another is a bonus and not a requirement for achieving sexual fulfilment. The next step is to activate your sexual senses without relying on physical contact.

There are everyday things that immediately ignite our sexual senses like an appealing scent, appearance, and location. These are all none physical ways to get you in the mood but let us take it a step further. Here are five ways to kick-start your libido;


Isabel Allende said it best, “For women the best aphrodisiacs are words. The G-spot is in the ears. He who looks for it below there is wasting his time”. It is possible to achieve an orgasm with words, and I am not talking about sexting. Your body will feel like it got a super dose of endorphins when you encounter someone you connect with on an intellectual level.


Delay physical intimacy or go on a sex fast to supercharge your libido, too much sex can be a bad thing. People go on diets every day to achieve an ideal image of themselves, to improve their health and build their self-esteem. A sex fast works the same way as it gives your body, mind, and spirit a healthy reboot. This will also result in heightened sexual awareness and lust.

To read more, please purchase a copy of Buzzz Caribbean Lifestyle Magazine Vol 10 #8 in a store near you.

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