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Things no wife wants to hear

Things no wife wants to hear

Good relationships require a lot of work, so much so that it can unwittingly result in stress. Notwithstanding, we all welcome the anxiety relationships cause as nothing beats the feeling of being in love and being loved. This is the first lesson you would have learnt in ‘Relationship 101’, otherwise known as the trials and errors or forming intimate human relationships.

The typical relationship will give rise to bearable anxiety but some actions cause the everyday angst to become unbearable. When I was teased as a child by my ‘delinquent’ older brothers, the childhood chant that I believed wholeheartedly was, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”. The adult me often wished I could go back and tell my foolishly innocent self that words are the most hurtful instruments of pain that are wielded by mankind; this is especially true when these words come from the ones we love.

We all know that honesty is generally the best policy when it comes to long-term partnerships, but there are certain cases where brutal forthrightness can cause more harm than good. Herewith, you’ll discover all of the phrases and sayings your wife absolutely never wants to hear.


No one wants to hear this from their spouse out of the blue, but it’s especially bad to say these words when you don’t really mean them just to incite a reaction. “So often, couples run into temporary moments of discomfort in their marriages, and instead having logical conversations about how to make the relationship better, the first thing that comes to the fore is a divorce. “This is not only unhealthy rhetoric, but making these comments could leave your spouse feeling unsafe and insecure.”


Sex can be a pain point that’s absolutely worth addressing, but this phrasing is likely to put your wife on the defensive. “The first 18 months of a relationship are magical in almost every way, particularly sexually,” A lot of changes happen in relationships over the years, including having children, career stress, financial strain, health problems etc. It is absolutely possible for long-term couples to have an exciting sex life, but it is unlikely it will ever be like it was at the beginning. Be open to moving passionately into the future, not trying to recreate the past.”

Upset man and woman sitting on bed after an argument


When married couples find themselves in this situation, it is because neither of them can get on a financial plan that they both can agree on,””Typically, one of them is the spender and one of them is the saver. In many cases, they find difficulty in reaching common ground to prevent not having enough dollars to make it through the month.”

To read more, please purchase a copy of Buzzz Caribbean Lifestyle Magazine Vol 11 #1 in a store near you.

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