Book Review

Queen of the Damned II

Queen of the Damned II

The much anticipated sequel to K. Sean Harris’ Queen of the Damned is out and it will not

disappoint! No one mixes a better literary cocktail of sex, greed and humour quite like Harris;

in this this super plot and sub plot masterpiece of the highest order.


If you thought the first book was hot, Queen of the Damned II is sure to steam your fingers as

each page turns, exposed to fiery themes on deceit, jealousy and love; carefully interwoven

amid strands of a beckoning web that grabs and hold you, as the narrative unfolds.


It surrounds Ayanna, the beautiful female crime boss who fulfils the dream of her deceased

lover Castro, by opening a world class medical facility in the heart of an inner-city

community. But her ambitions do not stop there, as little Ayanna, a former cosmetologist,

now has aspirations to obtain a seat in parliament, much to the surprise of those around her,

certainly the Prime Minister and other high ranking officials, whose dismay is palpable.


To continue reading , purchase  Vol. 7 #8  2015 issue