
A Man & his Car


The relationship between a man and his car has always been a mystery to many. It is said “a woman’s house is clean and her car messy, while a man’s house is messy but his car clean.” It begs the question, “What is it about cars that gets men so obsessed?”

If you give it some thought, it is quite simple. For generations, there has always been a symbolic representation of self for each gender. For girls, their identity and social status are deeply reflected through aesthetic beauty; from makeup, to jewellery, their clothes and especially their shoes. These items help women to identify their place and status in society and amongst their friends. For men, there are several activities and symbolic representations that affirm their rite of passage into manhood. None however, has quite a deeper importance for a man than the type of car he owns.

Let’s reflect on past generations; while girls looked forward to wearing makeup and heels, there were few things that had a greater meaning to a boy than owning his first car. A car to a man is an extension of himself. Nothing represents who he is, more than the car he drives. For this reason, men spend a great deal of time selecting the right vehicle for themselves; from the colour, to the horsepower, its sophistication and style; cars for men provide a deep psychological connection that is often inexplicable.


The attention a man gives to his car is like nothing else, sometimes devoting more time to his ride than he does to his family. Men become engrossed in the servicing and maintenance of the cars; preferring to spend the time to fix their cars themselves than take it to a mechanic. For many men, their car is their home; they service, clean and wash it more often than they do their actual houses. Every detail of their car is selected in their image; from the lights, to the spoilers, the stereo and engine; a man’s car presents a perfect picture of their presence and personality. It is because of this connection and the time and energy invested, that men become obsessively particular about how their cars are treated.

This is reflected in whether they allow others to drive it, eat in it, place their feet on the dashboard or even carry dirt inside. Any abuse to their cars is often met with antagonism and fury. What one must appreciate about this relationship, is that for a man, his car is his best friend; the adventures, journeys and memories created between the two are priceless. It is for this reason that men sometimes name their cars; because to them, it is more than a car, it is personal.

To continue reading, purchase Vol.8 #9, 2016 Issue.