
How To Get The Raise You Want and Deserve

How To Get The Raise You Want and Deserve

We all wish we could earn more money but only the truly intrepid actually act on the desire. They will boldly seek an audience with their superiors and and lay their claim for a raise. They refuse to suffer silently or complain to themselves or a few friends. They recognize and act on one of the principles of Dr Leachim Semaj, “You do not get in life what you deserve or what you wish for, you get what you can negotiate”. Firstly, when seeking a raise in salary it is important to note that your employers will not grant you an increase because they are nice. They are influenced by the value you demonstrably contribute above and beyond the norm. That is their major concern. They care about value to the organization. So if you are going to get the raise you want and deserve you are going to have to look at your perceived value to the company.

1.Make sure you are extra productive
2.Tie your increased salary to your key result areas
3.Be exceptional in executing your duties
4.Be known for your extraordinary work ethic
5.Unplug all unnecessary devices.