
Value Creation for Business Success

Business Success

In business, the number one priority is innovative value creation. The number one enemy of value creation is distraction or interruption. Distraction, multitasking and generally low value or no value tasks are robbing today’s business entrepreneurs of the vital key of concentration. What is needed is help in being laser beams focused on value creation.

Turn off all phones, same thing with text alerts and email notifications. Turn the work area into a distraction proof locality and use the undistracted time to turn yourself into a value creation machine which produces high-value products and the marketing that sells them. The more you work in distractionproof environs the more and better results you will get.

To get started, you must be proactive and take complete control of your time. Management guru, Peter Drucker, in his classic, “The Effective Executive”, notes of time, “Effective executives start with their time. Time is also a unique resource…One cannot rent, hire, buy, or otherwise obtain more time.”