Online learning – and Telecommuting… Doing it the right way.
How does one successfully pivot towards a digital interface? Well, we decided to explore a few tips on how you can make the online learning and telecommuting reality, a fruitful and rewarding experience.
Fish Oil VS Omega 3, What’s The Difference?
I’m sure we have all heard these two words floating around; be it from people in the health field or we have read these words on packaging, which suggests that they are good for us. But what do they mean? Are they truly good for us? Do we really need to take it? Are the two essentially the same thing?
What’s new about 2022?
Every year when the clock strikes 12 midnight we scream Happy New Year! And jump about with our friends and family. We make…
Difficult Conversations Worth Having
Communication is important in any type of relationship. It opens up channels for discussion that will help to nurture and build emotional connection, comfort and trust between individuals. However, there are some conversations that many people shy away from due to the discomfort, awkwardness and taboo nature of the topic.
Celebrating Black History Month
Whether you create an official celebration out of the month, the awareness and recognition of black achievement in history needs to be more pronounced in the everyday expression of our African ancestry.
SHINEHEAD ‘Illegal Alien’
To the average person singing publicly about being an illegal alien would seem a bit risqué, especially for a musician. But in the…
Marcue’s Musical Journey
Mark Anthony Hudson Jr. who goes by the stage name “Marcue” discovered his passion for music when he first heard the musical stylings…
Hair today, still hair tomorrow
Did you know that every hair loss situation tells a story and no two hair tales are ever the same? The etiology of your journey may not be the same for someone else, even if the individual is related or lives a similar lifestyle. Indeed, the blueprint to hair loss at times is akin to your finger print: no two persons are exactly the same.
The Best and Worst thing You Can Add To Your Coffee
For many, coffee has been the drink of choice to wake up to or to give a boost throughout the day. Yet, coffee can do way more for you, especially if you are looking into improving your lifestyle by including healthier options to your diet. Don’t worry you don’t need to give up your morning coffee for tea if you don’t want to! Let’s look at some popular highlights for adding coffee to your daily routine as well as a few suggestions to make a better cup of “Joe”.
Vitamin B Benefits
We always hear that vitamins are important and the one that seems a mystery to the everyday person is the ‘B Vitamin Complex’. Let’s explore what this is, why it’s important and why we should take these supplements?