HOW DO I KNOW If my friendships are TRUE & GENUINE?
The idea of friendship is inherently complex as it speaks to our inner state of being – feelings of admiration, affection, care, fondness,…
The idea of friendship is inherently complex as it speaks to our inner state of being – feelings of admiration, affection, care, fondness,…
They say hindsight is always twenty-twenty which means that if we can do something over again probably with a little more wisdom, experience…
There are many factors that perpetuate the differences between men and women that incorporates gender roles, employment opportunities, education, socialisation, political representation, health…
I was recently gifted a book that, in two hundred pages, examines existentialism, morality, and ambiguity, otherwise known as life’s grey areas. I,…
The term “red flag” signifies a reason to stop. It is used to halt a game because of a foul, to wave on…
Many are still disturbed when they think of the “sex talk” they had with their parents in their adolescentyears. Further, if you were…
Women tend to overthink when it comes to men. They feel they have to be the prettiest to catch and keep his eye.…
The best love is ‘friendship set on fire.’ … a “You before me” kind of love.
Married for 36 years and together for 40, Danya & Richard Ho are proof that the best love is ‘friendship set on fire.’ They are still working on having a “You before me” kind of love. Danya an entrepreneur and former stay-at-home mom and Richie, a General Practitioner are quick to share that a healthy love doesn’t mean there are no challenges.
He who has never succumbed to the sensual strokes of lust cast the first stone!
Understanding the way men think can be quite the complex undertaking for any woman.