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5 Interesting Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

why you are not losing weight 5 Interesting Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

Here are 5 interesting reasons why you are not losing weight

1. Clean Eating.

Just because you have stopped eating the junk food, doesn’t mean you are eating properly. When choosing the right foods to eat, you simply need to remember the five main food groups

Lean protein

chicken breast, ground round mince, egg whites, beans, quinoa to name a few. Ensure that your protein choices are low in fat and try to include some protein in every meal.

Protein has a high Thermogenic Effect, which simply means that your digestive system has to “work” to break down the protein that you ingest, so much so that you can burn up to 30% of the calories in protein, simply from the digestion process

Healthy Fats

Coconut oil, fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna, etc.), avocado and nuts are excellent choices for healthy fats. It seems counterintuitive, but eating healthy fats actually help to burn fat. Just be very mindful of the portion size, because fats have 9 calories per gram of fat (by comparison, protein and carbohydrates only have 4 calories per gram).

Whole Grains

You want to select foods like brown rice, whole-grain bread, whole oats, whole ground provisions (sweet and Irish potatoes, yam, etc.). What is very important here is label reading, especially for the ingredients. Just because a product says it is “multi-grain”, “wheat”, or “bran” doesn’t mean it is a whole grain. The ingredients must say it is “whole” (whatever the grain is oat, wheat, bran, etc.).

Fruits & Vegetables

Vegetables are entirely acceptable in any quantity because they are so low in calories. Try to eat them raw to retain as many nutrients as possible. Fruits, while good for you, are considered “simple sugars” and you should consume no more than 1-2 servings per day if you are trying to lose weight. The best time to eat fruits is right before or immediately after a hard workout.


This should become, if it is not already, your beverage of choice! Coffee and tea are OK if your additions (milk, sugar, etc.) are limited. You should aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of water – if you weigh 200lbs, you should be drinking 100 ounces of water per day etc.

2. How do you eat?

Sometimes it is not just what you are eating but how. Many people fall into the trap of only eating one or two meals a day. When they do eat, the meals are over-sized and out of proportion. Learn the proper portion sizes and then adjust your meals accordingly. The ideal method is to eat 5-6 smaller meals per day. Sometimes this just means eating smaller meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner and then incorporating 2-3 snacks between meals. A few healthy options for snacks are yogurt, boiled egg whites, low-fat cheese and whole-grain crackers, or a small bowl of whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk

3. Sleep

How much are you getting? Sleep is vital in healthy living, but even more so if you are trying to lose weight. During sleep, your body releases the growth hormone. So while you may train your body in the gym during the day, it is at night when you are asleep that the process is completed. So don’t neglect the sleep factor. You should aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Without enough sleep, you also run the risk of not giving your body the rest and recovery it needs to perform at optimum capacity. This can lead to overtraining, which halts if not reverses much of your hard work

To continue reading , purchase  Vol. 7 #10 2015 issue

Also read 6 best foods for hair growth

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