
Black is Back


Style alert, Style Alert… Move over little black dress, you may rule the fashion world, but when it comes to high style – in homes – get ready and make way for this chic, edgy and oooh so sexy décor trend, BLACK: as in black floors, black furnishings, black walls and black accent pieces.

Yes, black as a key décor element and it’s here to stay! Porcelain tiles, sinks and quartz countertops in the kitchen and bathrooms, walls, furnishings and accent pillows. Voted one of the most versatile shades in 2013, the impact of this tone on spaces is nothing short of a spectacular surprise.

So, along this vein of enlightenment, I share with you the practice of using black in interior design. It’s been on the rise since last year and continues to grow. It takes courage and conviction to decorate with black, especially in the Caribbean, where black is associated with gloom. Therefore, if you can’t go all the way with all four walls in your space or an entire floor being black, there are some less dramatic ways to decorate with this awesome shade.