
A Deeper Clean, Below the Sheets

A Deeper Clean A Deeper Clean, Below the Sheets

Sleep provides the body with a healthy immune system. If you are sleep deprived, then it can affect your health.
We spend around one third of our lives sleeping on our beds, it means so many hours spent inside the bedroom.

For many of us, the phrase “cleanliness is next to godliness” has been one of those unwavering
principles, which has governed your life and is seemingly passed down from generation to generation. Your mother probably told you, as her mother told her and so on and so on. As such, week after week we clean the house. Going from room to room sweeping, wiping and dusting. But how clean is clean enough?

Fun Fact: The average person spends at least thirty percent of their time in bed. That’s with an average sleeping time of 8 hours. That means people spend one-third of their lives asleep, which is 318 months taken up, by just lying in bed.

Undoubtedly, this makes choosing and maintaining a comfortable and clean bed very important. For most of us this is addressed by simply changing our sheets once a week, throwing them in the wash and replacing them with clean ones. Sounds simple and efficient enough, but what about below the sheets? I’m talking a deeper clean.

To continue reading, Purchase Vol. 8 Issue #3 2015.