Now that school is out, exams are done and Summer is in full swing, Buzzz Magazine has you covered on all the sizzling activities; whether you plan to travel, work or party the Summer away.
Contrary to popular beliefs, you do not need an abundance of money to enjoy Summer; great company and creative minds make for an amazing experience.
However, we live in such a techno-logical society where, more often than not, a family dining together are more engaged in their gadgets than present in the moment. These nonsocial behaviours have permeated our day-to-day lives thus creating a disconnect in social engagements. Balancing the scales, Buzzz Magazine is encouraging you to live in the moment this Summer. Whether dining out, travelling or finding other great adventures, cast aside nonsocial behaviours and let’s redeem almost extinct social etiquettes.
Here are a few tips you should be mindful of, especially when dining out and travelling.

Dining Out
Food Photography – Instagram has popularised taking photos of your meal. As a culprit myself, I can’t fully bash this trend. However, make it snappy; one or two photos are enough, it’s not a photo shoot.
Table Talk – dining out is not an appropriate time to be glued to your gadgets. Whether with family or friends, be engaged in light discussions; dinner time should be fun.
Sound Check – The entire restaurant does not need to know you and your party are present. The discussion “cudda sweet like honey”, the rest of us don’t care to hear.
Table Manners Are A Must – Everyone needs to learn how to use cutlery. Fine dining requires decency; finger foods are enjoyed with only two fingers, not all eight and two thumbs. If you have young kids present, feed them; there is no need to have them making a mess everywhere.
Dress To Impress – It may be summertime but, that’s no excuse to go everywhere scantily clad. Dress for the occasion and according to what complements your body; short-shorts, flip-flops and exposed chests are not for everywhere or everyone.
To continue reading , purchase Vol. 8 #1 2015 issue
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Now that school is out, exams are done and Summer is in full swing, Buzzz Magazine has you covered on all the sizzling activities; whether you plan to travel, work or party the Summer away.
Contrary to popular beliefs, you do not need an abundance of money to enjoy Summer; great company and creative minds make for an amazing experience.
However, we live in such a techno-logical society where, more often than not, a family dining together are more engaged in their gadgets than present in the moment. These nonsocial behaviours have permeated our day-to-day lives thus creating a disconnect in social engagements. Balancing the scales, Buzzz Magazine is encouraging you to live in the moment this Summer. Whether dining out, travelling or finding other great adventures, cast aside nonsocial behaviours and let’s redeem almost extinct social etiquettes.
Here are a few tips you should be mindful of, especially when dining out and travelling.
Dining Out
Food Photography – Instagram has popularised taking photos of your meal. As a culprit myself, I can’t fully bash this trend. However, make it snappy; one or two photos are enough, it’s not a photo shoot.
Table Talk – dining out is not an appropriate time to be glued to your gadgets. Whether with family or friends, be engaged in light discussions; dinner time should be fun.
Sound Check – The entire restaurant does not need to know you and your party are present. The discussion “cudda sweet like honey”, the rest of us don’t care to hear.
Table Manners Are A Must – Everyone needs to learn how to use cutlery. Fine dining requires decency; finger foods are enjoyed with only two fingers, not all eight and two thumbs. If you have young kids present, feed them; there is no need to have them making a mess everywhere.
Dress To Impress – It may be summertime but, that’s no excuse to go everywhere scantily clad. Dress for the occasion and according to what complements your body; short-shorts, flip-flops and exposed chests are not for everywhere or everyone.
To continue reading , purchase Vol. 8 #1 2015 issue
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