
Cellphone Etiquette Are You in Breach?

Cellphone Etiquette Are You in Breach? Cellphone Etiquette Are You in Breach?

Gone are the days when social misconduct and ill practices were looked down upon. With the overwhelming frequency of these types of behaviours and lack of opposition to the breakdown in traditional social graces; has this become the new normal? Behaviours that would have once been said to be ill mannered are now being seen as acceptable and it begs to ask the question; have the rules of etiquette been rewritten?

The use of our cell phone is one of the many examples in which the lines have been blurred that separate what is and isn’t acceptable social behaviour. We carry and utilize our smartphones everywhere we go, and in today’s society, smartphones are being utilized in both social and professional forums in a manner that often disregards common social graces.

The popularity of social media is also a central feature in the constant cell phone usage to which many persons of all ages, races and gender have become so enthralled. Social media and smartphones have become so intertwined, similar to the complement of bun and cheese or bread and butter. Most times when persons are eager to utilize their phones, social media and other applications are almost always involved.

This new normal in societal behaviour has resulted in many less than exemplary displays of etiquette among our people. A major disturbing lack of cell phone etiquette is obvious especially when persons are dining. Instead of being present in the moment and enjoying a nice meal with friends or family, nowadays you find persons constantly texting at the table, talking on their phones or even taking pictures of the meal to post on social media. There are very few times you will find people completely engaging each other in conversation while they dine. It is frankly alarming to think that utilizing ones phones to text, talk or take pictures is more engaging than having a stimulating discussion with those present.

To continue reading, purchase Vol.8 #5, 2016 Issue.