
Lasco Instant Caramel Hot Chocolate


It’s the first morning of school and you want something to delight and excite your child for breakfast. What could you add to the meal to ensure that they are instantly perked and smacking their lips with satisfaction? How about a hot cup of LASCO Instant Hot Chocolate?

Nutmeg, French Vanilla and Caramel, LASCO Instant Hot Chocolate mix is a certain favourite for children and parents, thanks to its great taste and affordable price. It is made from Jamaican high quality cocoa and contains milk and sugar; just add water and your cup of chocolate is ready!

A balanced breakfast should consist of a variety of foods from the six food groups so as to provide sufficient amounts of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. LASCO’s range of breakfast cereals, powdered milks, oats porridges, rolled oats and instant chocolate mixes, provides something for everyone. Parents will find it easy to provide a healthy breakfast using any of our affordable, easy-to-prepare breakfast foods.

To continue reading, purchase Vol.8 #2, 2015 Issue.