The air always felt different in the country back in the old days, it must have been the ‘Chrismus breeze’ that carried that crispness and the hope of the season. You could literally feel the spirit of Christmas. One could hardly wait to dust off the old decorations and pepper lights to hang on that fake Christmas tree haphazardly perched on the verandah or that specially trimmed tree in the front yard. Locate that old cassette loaded with Christmas carols taped off the radio years ago, throw it in the cassette player and songs such as ‘It’s Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas ‘, ‘Santa Ketch up inna Mango tree’, ‘Feliz Navidad’ announced to the world that Christmas is a coming.
But what made this time of year so different, so special, so anticipated? Of course, the centrepiece of the holidays is the birth of Christ which meant a big part of Christmas was attending church, fervently acknowledging and celebrating our dear Lord and Savior’s triumphant entry into the world. This in itself made the occasion special but factor in the food, the festivities, gifts, visits from relatives and friends from abroad and other communities and of course making that extra effort to smile and be civil to your fellow beings and you find that these little things made the difference in what the country Christmas experience was all about Children dressed in new clothes to accompany their mothers to the
‘fun day’
, frolicking through the street, searching for the perfect toy and gift items for family and friends within their budget, while the adults carefully select food items to add to the feast that will be dinner the following day.
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But what made this time of year so different, so special, so anticipated? Of course, the centrepiece of the holidays is the birth of Christ which meant a big part of Christmas was attending church, fervently acknowledging and celebrating our dear Lord and Savior’s triumphant entry into the world. This in itself made the occasion special but factor in the food, the festivities, gifts, visits from relatives and friends from abroad and other communities and of course making that extra effort to smile and be civil to your fellow beings and you find that these little things made the difference in what the country Christmas experience was all about Children dressed in new clothes to accompany their mothers to the
, frolicking through the street, searching for the perfect toy and gift items for family and friends within their budget, while the adults carefully select food items to add to the feast that will be dinner the following day.
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