
The Woman Who Knows Her Worth

The Woman Who Knows Her Worth

“Be a woman who knows her worth,” we’re told. But who is she? Who’s that woman of such uncommon kind, her rarity makes her value far greater than the recherche´ gemstone, Ruby. The value of a ruby is determined by the gem’s colour, clarity and cut are deciding factors. Interestingly, as for a ruby, so for a woman.

Colour, the most important value determinant, is that basic property of the gemstone that affects how it is seen because of how it reflects light. This can be likened to a woman’s core. It’s who you really are at heart. Then, there’s clarity. This is the extent to which the gem has imperfections on its surface or internally. For a woman, it’s whether or not you are whole. (Side note: Imperfections, whatever their origin – on your body, character flaws, weaknesses associated with your temperament, faulty thoughts and feelings about yourself from your socialization and life experiences – are part of you and can be smoothed out by owning them and working on them.)

Finally, the gem’s cut refers to the symmetry and polish of the stone’s facets. This corresponds with a woman’s balance and refinement. Appreciate that for a woman, becoming a balanced and refined person takes time. Not with standing, it’s who you are at heart, your imperfections and your ongoing refinement over time that work together to express your worth.

Here’s how you come to know this experimentally:

  • Become settled in your identity. Accept the basic truth that you are a worthwhile person, no matter what you’ve experienced or what you’ve been told. You are also profitable; your contributions to the world matter.
  • Be trustworthy. Do not betray people’s trust in you. Be mindful of what you say. When you open your mouth, let the law of kindness be at work.
  • Value work. Work willingly and smartly. Don’t be afraid or too proud to ask for help. Do whatever you have to do to work well and with integrity.
  • Be nurturing and compassionate. Commit to nourishing your mind by reading, your emotions by listening to the right background music and staying away from gossip, and your body by eating well, exercising frequently and resting adequately.
  • Be mentally and emotionally strong, mature, stable and balanced. Exercise sound judgment, wisdom and discretion by seeking relevant information for the decisions you have to make, big or small, and make sure your motives for doing what you do are noble. Also, commit to keep improving yourself.
  • Remember and reverence your Creator. Express reverence for the Creator who gave you life in the first place. Don’t doubt God’s wisdom to have thought of giving YOU as a gift to the world to make the contributions you can uniquely make.


To Read More: Purchase your copy of Volume 9 #3– July-August 2017