

antioxidants Antioxidants

Written by: Dr. Tameka Stephenson Harris (DM pending, M.B.B.S, M.Sc. B.Sc. Hons.) Medical Doctor and Nutritionist

In the scheme of COVID 19, one would wonder how relevant the use of antioxidants is. Oxidation is a normal process that takes place within the body by the formation of free radicals. Free radicals can cause damage at the cellular level and is likely to contribute to many diseases; furthermore, they may worsen the outcome of some disease conditions. Antioxidants inhibit this oxidation process; in other words, they remove the free radicals, which are the oxidizing agents.

Some examples of Free radicals

  • Accelerates aging
  • Increases the risk of arthritis, due to inflammation at the joints
  • Vision may be affected due to damage of the eye lens and as a result leads to vision loss
  • Nerve cells in the brain are likely to become damaged and hence contributes to Parkinson and Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Free radicals encourage low- density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol to stick to the arteries and this increases the risk of coronary artery disease
  • The risk of certain cancer increases with accumulation of free radicals in the body due to damage of cell DNA
Sardines have a lot of antioxidants

Antioxidants are found in some fruits and vegetables we consume, which has embedded in them vitamins and minerals. These include food rich in beta-carotene, copper, catechins, anthocyanins, flavonoids, selenium, zinc, vitamin A, C and E, and much more. There is increasing evidence that antioxidants are effective when obtained from whole food rather than tablets, contrary to popular belief. A well-balanced diet, which includes food from all the food groups, in the required proportion will aid in achieving the daily benefits of antioxidants.

Benefits of antioxidants

Antioxidants are used in almost all skin care products; they protect the skin by reducing and counteracting free radical production. They protect your skin from the oxidation process and helps to reduce pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles. Notably, the more you help neutralize unstable molecules caused by free radical formation, the longer you can salvage the health of your cells and skin. It keeps every girl looking younger!

Patients repeatedly become concerned if they or their child’s hair continues to fall out without any apparent reason. While there may be a variety of causes of alopecia (hair loss), antioxidants help to reduce hair loss by preventing cellular damage. It aids in maintaining the connective tissue of the hair follicles and protects cuticles from cell damage. For this reason, many of the hair treatment has vitamin E, vitamin A, selenium and other antioxidants.

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