
Healthy eats for the summer

healthy eats Healthy eats for the summer

Written By: Yanique Williams

The summer is back! And the air is booming with fresh produce especially fruits and veggies. It’s the perfect time to get in shape and enjoy some sweet relaxation. But did you know that summer is also the perfect time to change your diet? Kick start your summer fun by switching up your palate, giving your mouth and body the savoury taste of vitamins and nutrients. Here’s a list of yummy healthy eats with secret benefits that you can enjoy this summer. That will not only have you looking and feeling great but boost your immune system to keep safe from the pandemic.


healthy eats watermelon

With its large water content, watermelons not only help you stay hydrated but also cool during these hot summer months. Here’s a fun fact, did you know that keeping hydrated also balances your mood and keeps your memory sharp? Not sure if watermelon is your guy, well studies show that consuming foods with heavy water content keeps you feeling full and lowers your taste for foods high in calories.


healthy eats tomatoes

Don’t forget to pack your sunscreen when you head to the beach. If you’re running low, boost up on your tomato intake to give your skin that extra shield from the sun’s rays. Research show tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is highly beneficial to the skin protecting it from sunburn. The redder the tomato, the better.


healthy eats iced tea

A nice cup of iced tea is a great way to cool down on a hot day. Whether you like your tea hot or cold, there are a lot of health benefits to drinking it. Drinking tea regularly reduces the risk of heart attack/stroke and with its rich variety of antioxidants; tea keeps us looking young and fresh. Strike a smile for your Instagram pic as Japanese researchers have found that tea decreases tooth loss; through changing the pH in your mouth it prevents cavities and erosion of enamel.

To read more, please purchase a copy of Buzzz Caribbean Magazine vol 10#7 in a store near you.

Related: A different kind of summer

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