
Natural Home Remedies for Common Ailments

Natural Home Remedies for Common Ailments Natural Home Remedies for Common Ailments

As Caribbean people, especially if we are influenced by our ‘granny’, we initially look to nature for healing when faced with any sort of ailment. Prior to the conventional visit to a medical doctor, there is almost always a type of bush or tea we ought to try, whether by oral consumption or as a poultice.

Interesting memories from the past- of the regular ginger or mint tea for gas pains, using bissy to prevent or relieve some occurrence of poisoning to the body and the age old remedy of consuming vitamin C, in the form of citrus fruits for flu like symptoms.

So what is at our disposal in nature’s medicine cabinet for some of our common ailments?

Simeca Alexander chatted with an elderly lady from Manchester and these are her findings:

For belly pain: Drink cerasee, guava leaf or ginger tea.

For back or muscle pain: Make a poultice using ganja leaves or ‘dead and wake macca’ (shame old lady) soaked in white rum and apply to the affected area.

For headaches: Tie ‘cho-cho’ leaf on the forehead (one of the poultices used for back or muscle pain may also be used)

For cuts (Nail or broken bottle puncture):
Apply the following to affected areas.

• Grated pear seed mixed with kerosene oil
• Grated bissy mixed with kerosene oil
• Grated green banana mixed with kerosene or healing oil
For cough or cold: Make a tea using one of the following and drink:

• Garlic Tea
• Daisy Bush
• Leaf of Life
• Guinea Hen Weed
• Eucalyptus Leaves

For a sore throat: Gargle throat with warm salt water or drink lime juice mixed with honey

For a high fever: Drink tea made from fever grass or pad clothing of the individual with cedar leaves.

For a toothache: Rub the gum with sap from a papaya plant.

For rashes: crush semi contract leaves or worm bush and apply pulp to the affected area.

Maybe you have also heard the following: chew on a peg of garlic to lower your blood pressure; or swallow papaya seeds as a form of contraception for ladies in the reproductive age.

Maybe you have tested and proven some of the recommendations mentioned. Whatever the case, remember it is always best to consult a medical professional prior to commencing any form of treatment as they may be hazardous to your health.

What to know about the Flu Shot with Dr. Tameka Stephenson

1. What is the flu shot?
The flu shot is the influenza vaccine which protects against 3-4 influenza virus.

2. Who can get the shot? And who should avoid it?
The annual flu vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and over. Those below the age of 6 months; any one with severe allergies to the ingredients of the flu vaccine and some persons with a history of Guillain Barre Syndrome should not be given the vaccine.

To continue reading, purchase Vol.8 #9, 2016 Issue.