
No Gym No Stress….Simple ways to exercise at Home

No Gym No Stress….Simple ways to exercise at Home No Gym No Stress….Simple ways to exercise at Home

The festive season- the time for indulgence in simple pleasures without a guilty mind- is behind us; but probably not the evidence. Mouth-watering smoked ham glazed to perfection and fruit cake topped with a sumptuous coconut rum sauce are now figments of our memory; but the extra pounds linger. The New Year has arrived and it is time to get back into shape but holiday spending left a dent in your pocket so it’s a task to find the extra cash to work a sweat in the gym. Why stress when there is an alternative that is just as rewarding and super convenient? Consider exercising at home.

Leo Foster, International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) personal trainer at the Spartan Health Club stated that while working out at the gym may be better, there are many factors that prevent persons from going to one. Foster states, “Working out at the gym is by far more beneficial. The gym is fully equipped with all the tools and machines you need to fast track your goals. When you go to the gym, you go to work out and that is your sole purpose. At home, you are distracted and have limitations, hence the gym wins in this case.”
However, whether time constraints, family obligations, school, crowd, cost, transportation and low self-esteem pose a real challenge, get on the track to fitness and weight loss right at home. Foster outlined several moves that can be done at home to help us achieve a desired outcome. Therefore, for each move, do 12 to 14 repetitions to burn fat and 8 to 12 to build muscle.


Lower Body Movements

Donkey kicks (Each side): This exercise will tone and strengthen your glutes. Begin on your hands and knees. Lift one leg up behind you, keeping your knee bent. Raise your leg until it’s in line with your body and your flexed foot is parallel to the ceiling.

Jump Squat: This is a full body exercise. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and squat down using the same technique similar to a normal squat. Tighten your core and jump in the air. When landing, ensure you land with control and there is no pain in the knees.
Static Lunge: Stand with your feet together and your hands at your sides. Take a long stride forward with one foot pointing your knee and foot in the same direction. Keep your torso upright and centre of gravity directly above your hips.


Upper Body Movements

Chair Dips: These primarily target your triceps and can add attention-grabbing mass. Grip the edge of a bench or chair. Keep your feet together and legs straight. Lower your body straight down slowly and press back up powerfully. Keep your elbows pointing backwards and your back upright.
Push-ups: Perhaps the most popular home exercise trusted for muscle growth. The push up is a great muscle toning exercise for the arms, chest, triceps and the front of the shoulders, whether executed on the knees or toes. Start on all fours with the hands on the floor slightly wider than, but in line with, the shoulders. The body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles. Squeeze the abs as tightly as possible and keep them engaged. Lower the body until the chest nearly touches the floor, making sure the elbows are tucked in close to the torso. Pause for a moment then push yourself back to the starting position.

Pull-Ups: At home, you may have the perfect bar on your burglar bars or in your doorway. Grip a bar with a hold slightly wider than shoulder width, with your hands facing away from your body.  Hang all the way down.  Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar. Pause slightly. Lower yourself all the way back down.  Concentrate on isolating your back and biceps and try not to swing.
Unless you’ve invested in some state of the art equipment and accessories, your home is no gym. Understandably, a little creativity is needed to find household items that can substitute for gym items.

To continue reading, purchase Vol.8 #10, 2017 Issue.