Fashion Lifestyle

Protecting Your Eyes

Protecting Your Eyes

As a matter of fact, wearing a good pair of tested sunglasses (available at Eye Q Optical), not only provides protection for your eyes but will also help to prevent diseases such as cataract from developing later on in life. Believe it or not, these diseases can also affect children since the damage is done early on; this is why practicing proper eye care at an early age will pay off in the long run.

There’s no doubt that a cute pair of sunglasses is a must have beach accessory; but shades are really way more than just a fashion statement.

It is a common misconception that wearing sunglasses is only necessary for beach days and special occasions however, in reality sunglasses should be worn whenever we go outside and are exposed to the sun.Nowadays, when it comes to eyewear, we have more options than ever before and it can be overwhelming selecting which pair to choose. From different colors, patterns, style of frames and lenses, when you’re talking about eyewear Eye Q Optical is the one stop shop for whatever you may need. At Eye Q Optical you will not only leave with your ideal eyewear but you will receive after care assistance and education on proper eye care practices. You can also expect to be greeted with exceptional customer service from a well-trained staff that is knowledgeable about their products. All while shopping in a fun and comfortable environment, being examined by doctors who genuinely care about your eye health. You will be able to choose from high fashion European brands such as Boz, Woow, Lafont, Face ā Face, Theo, Rapp, and J.F.Rey, Lindberg, Öga, Louis and Parasite. Face ā Face with their extensive range of color tones, attention to detail and use of quality materials, have quickly become a customer favorite.