
Wedding Etiquette: How To Be The Ideal Wedding Guest

Wedding Etiquette: How To Be The Ideal Wedding Guest

From the food to the venue to the decor to the perfect dress, planning a dream wedding can be a demanding task! However, there’s one thing that can make a wedding less of a dream and more of a nightmare: that wedding guest who just doesn’t know how to act right! Luckily, Buzzz Magazine has some ideas for you so you can avoid becoming that wedding guest from hell.

Before the big day even arrives, it is your duty to ensure that you RSVP. Most people tend to skip this part and don’t know how much they are interrupting the planning process. Whether you are able to attend or not, it is a must to send in your RSVP on time. By doing so, you are giving the engaged couple an idea of the head count for the final guest list, as well as the amount of place settings, wedding favours, programs and anything else that are needed. Wedding preparations are stressful enough; the least you can do is check the yes or no box.