Health Lifestyle

Zumba Is Mad Wicked For Weight Loss

Zumba Weight Loss Zumba Is Mad Wicked For Weight Loss

Ditch the Workout and Join the Party! Who would have thought that one day joining a fitness class at your local health club would feel like entering a hot-ticket club event? Fun and fitness have given birth to their love-child, Zumba Fitness, an experience so unique that many religiously attend classes each week to listen to music with familiar faces and surprisingly, have fun. No weights, yoga mats or resistant bands needed just limber hips and a willingness to have a good time. The music is perhaps the first indication that this is no ordinary cardio class, as Latin rhythms pulse from every corner (with the occasional squeal from a participant having a good time).

The Genesis

Though Zumba has seemingly increased in popularity recently, it isn’t as new as one may assume. It was created in 1986 in a quaint studio in Columbia by fitness instructor Alberto Perez, who was forced to create something new for his class after forgetting to bring his usual workout music. Being a quick thinker, he selected a mixed tape of Salsa music that he enjoyed. The class was such a success that it was requested by his clients in the following weeks.

In pursuit of the American dream, Perez packed his bags and headed to Miami, hoping that the craze he had caused to sweep the Latin world, would gain success elsewhere. Little did he imagine that the movement would later become a global sensation, with over 25,000 instructors in over 40 countries.

The brand itself has expanded to include a clothing line, music, choreography and six other popular varieties of the original -the latest being Aquatic Zumba. There is also, Zumba Atomic for children, Zumba Gold for seniors or pregnant women and Zumbini for babies and toddlers (with their mothers).


The Appeal

According to certified Zumba instructor Shani McGraham-Shirley, of Chai Studios Ltd, it was a perfect fit for the Jamaican fitness scene. “Jamaicans are very colourdancing-patrons-zumaful, diverse and flavourful people. We naturally gravitate towards music and rhythms, regardless of dance ability,” shared McGraham-Shirley. “Zumba is for persons who want to work out without feeling like they are working. If that is not a Jamaican mentality, I don’t know what is,” she mused.

Jokes aside, she insisted that the programme is designed for persons of all ages and fitness levels. Though many are afraid to join because of fear of an inability to keep up with the dance moves, she made it clear that you do not have to be a good dancer to get results from the programme. “Your goal is not to perfect the moves or prepare to perform on stage; it’s to burn calories and have fun. Once you’re drenched at the end of class, you have reached your goal. You don’t need to be fit to do a Zumba class, but you will definitely get fit doing it,” she reassured. To add to the appeal, McGraham-Shirley like many other Zumba instructors in the island has fused the Latin mixes with Soca and of course Dancehall.

The success stories vary among avid Zumba ‘party-goers’, but it is seemingly effective once persons fully commit to their classes. In fact, the very reason Shani McGraham-Shirley fell in love with the programme was the success she initially had, losing a staggering 20 pounds in a month, though she did confess that she attended classes four times a week.

The Benefits

Zumba creator Perez, once said “Other classes do complicated choreography….. but Zumba uses only four or five steps in any given song and you keep repeating those.” With this, persons don’t get easily flustered with trying to keep up with the choreography, but instead are able to release inhibitions and get lost in the music.zumba-insturctor-female

There is indeed method to the madness. The dance moves are done strategically and allows you to burn up to 1000 calories in an hour. Chai Studios’ McGraham-Shirley explained to Buzzz Magazine that the interval training makes Zumba highly effective. It is a blend of 70% Latin and international dance with 30% aerobics making the styling different. It also raises and lowers the heart rate in intervals, it is this method that enables the body to burn maximum calories, and hence burn fat.

The routines target the entire body. It allows you to improve your balance, strengthen your muscles, decrease fat, lower blood pressure and burn calories. However, like every other fitness regimen, it requires full dedication and of course a balanced diet.

If you are willing to follow their motto, ‘Ditch the workout and join the party’ at your local gym or health club, you could be dancing your way into a healthier body before you know it!