Sex & Relationships

Is Your Partner Parent Worthy?

Parent Worthy Buzzz Magazine May-June 2017 Is Your Partner Parent Worthy?

At some point in almost every romantic relationship, there comes a time when you stop, look deeply into your partner’s eyes and you can’t help but think, “Yes I want you to have my babies!” or “She would be such a good mother” or “He is definitely baby daddy material!”  Well we here at Buzzz Magazine wanted to dig a little deeper and find out what are the specific traits that people look for in their partners that make them parent-worthy.

Parent Worthy Buzzz Magazine May-June 2017 Is Your Partner Parent Worthy?Is it all about the physical looks, his/her financial standing, are there certain character traits or is it the perfect combination of all three? Can your checklist for finding the perfect partner also doubles as your checklist for finding the perfect parent-worthy partner? Well we know you’re anxiously reading this article with your checklist and pen in hand, so let’s get to meat of the matter and highlight some of the major plus signs and red flags to look for in determining if you’ve found your future baby mamma or daddy.


First of all, one must question what makes a person parent-worthy? Is there a parenting/nurturing gene that one is born with and some just naturally lack? Everyone is different so yes naturally some persons have a more nurturing personality than others – whether it’s based on how they were raised, how they were socialized or it may quite simply be based on genetics. And let’s not forget too that not everyone has that desire to become a parent. But does this make him/her a bad person or a bad partner? Their decision could be based on a number of factors including finances, career goals, lack of time, their own childhood experiences or simply personal preferences. In many cases however, persons get romantically involved with someone who doesn’t have that desire to be a parent, but their partner tries to change them because in their mind – he or she fits the perfect parent-worthy bill. This could very well be the perfect recipe for disaster – it can cause turmoil and strain on the relationship, which opens up whole other level of problems for you. So before you even start wondering if your partner is parent-worthy, you first need to have the conversation. Be honest with your partner and yourself; it is very important that you are both on the same page when it comes to the topic of being a parent so you both know what you’re getting into.

Parent Worthy Buzzz Magazine May-June 2017 Is Your Partner Parent Worthy?

Their decision could be based on a number of factors including finances, career goals, lack of time, their own childhood experiences or simply personal preferences. In many cases however, persons get romantically involved with someone who doesn’t have that desire to be a parent, but their partner tries to change them because in their mind – he or she fits the perfect parent-worthy bill. This could very well be the perfect recipe for disaster – it can cause turmoil and strain on the relationship, which opens up whole other level of problems for you. So before you even start wondering if your partner is parent-worthy, you first need to have the conversation. Be honest with your partner and yourself; it is very important that you are both on the same page when it comes to the topic of being a parent so you both know what you’re getting into.

To Read More: Purchase your copy of Volume 9 #2- May – June 2017