THINGS you should NOT DO for a MAN
They say hindsight is always twenty-twenty which means that if we can do something over again probably with a little more wisdom, experience…
They say hindsight is always twenty-twenty which means that if we can do something over again probably with a little more wisdom, experience…
There are many factors that perpetuate the differences between men and women that incorporates gender roles, employment opportunities, education, socialisation, political representation, health…
Many are still disturbed when they think of the “sex talk” they had with their parents in their adolescentyears. Further, if you were…
We watch a movie or read a book to find out the ending, but the most incredible thrill comes from the plot twists and turns that keep us glued to the screen or page. Sex, as often not too subtly hinted, is not a one-minute event. Sex is deliberate, should be approached slowly, and should be a sensual awakening.
Written By: Danielle Moffatt What is foreplay and why is it important? Foreplay is the golden period before intercourse to add sexual excitement…
He who has never succumbed to the sensual strokes of lust cast the first stone!
First comes love, then comes marriage, and sometimes shortly after…the divorce. Often, what started out so promising can be as temporary and fickle…
Lingerie is evolving from “granny panties to barely their sheer material. What used to signify modesty, support and structure have now been turned in to sexy, skimpy fashion outfits. In the ’40s and ’50s undergarments looked more like harem pants that were worn for comfort, however in the ’90s and today the undergarment has gotten skimpier and for some women, it means flaunting those undergarments as outerwear.
Ophelia McKnight, now divorced, says while reflecting on her former marriage. Stacey Hines, also divorced, dropped an epic one-liner that may shatter many…
According to the Urban dictionary’s definition of Romance, “True romance is doing something special or unexpected for someone you love, even though you…