
Do Your Feet Look Good naked?


Everyone close to me knows that from childhood onwards I have had a weird connection with my feet. From the moment I awake to the time of my night slumber, I will impulsively drench my feet with lotion. But, not just any lotion; one with the right texture, fragrance and long-lasting effect.

Now imagine my horror, when I was invited on a beach trip only to realise I was not ‘foot ready’. The summer heat and the sweat from my lotion sessions had my feet stripping all over. Added to that, I had ignored the chipped nail polish I applied from ‘Wappy kill Phillip’.

But, then the heart attack nearly happened. My husband walked passed me and for some reason my eyes glimpsed his feet. Not even a weight lifting champion could get my mouth shut. ‘Who are you?’ I thought. His feet looked like a bear out of hibernation. There was no denying it, we were both in need of an emergency foot care session except, there was no time to seek a professional.

So here begs the question, – Do you have pretty feet, or do you prefer them covered up?

Answer, let Buzzz magazine treat you to some helpful tips:

“People with diabetes are more prone to foot problems due to damaged nerves and reduced blood flow.”


Exfoliate Regularly

Clear build-up on your feet by scrubbing at least once a week. This also prepares feet for moisturising. Experts recommend peppermint, honey, coconut and sugar scrubs, which can be purchased at your favourite store or simply prepared at home.

To continue reading , purchase  Vol. 8 #1 2015 issue